3D Modeling for the Construction of Memory

A guest lecture by professor Franco Prampolini (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria).

Date: March 11, 2020, 10 am
Venue: Sophianum, room 204


The seminary, “3D Modeling for the construction of Memory” will unfold its journey among the insights of two recent experiences, both still quite alive as research programs. The main topics will concern the relationship between restoration and scientifical survey, on one side, and the great attention which is placed nowadays on the accessibility of cultural heritage, under many different points of view: the disabilities of all kind, the sensorial limitations, the capacity of building meaningful conceptual models of reality.  Two case histories. 

The Cathedral of Gerace, whose XVIII century baroque altars were completely dismantled in 1950 during a so-called restoration: the project recovered many of the scattered pieces of the altars themselves and through a process of 3D modeling and provisional restoration led to a proposal for the reassembly of one of the altars in the nowadays cathedral, dueling between virtuality and material approach to restoration.

The second one in the Medma museum, (Rosarno (RC), titling  “MEDMA - touch, feel, think  - Technological retrofit of the Medma Museum for a 3D multimedia catalog of the exhibited works and the possible fruition of the artworks by subjects characterized by sensory limitations”, leading to multimedia applications allowing a virtual fruition of the museum and the integration of the museum facilities with a “tactile” ap­proach useful for a multi-sensory use. Not just for unsighted persons, indeed: the barriers to be demolished, in fact, are not just architectural, but also the perceptive, sensorial and, sometimes, conceptual ones.

Both technological (hardware, software and operational issues) and conceptual items will be examined.
