Erasmus Students in Eger

With the contribution of the Central Directorate of Foreign Affairs, the guest students of PPCU’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences went on an excursion to the remarkable city of Eger in April 2018.

Besides being a good opportunity to spend some special time together outside the university and enhance their social life, this event was also aiming at familiarizing foreign students of different countries with the cultural heritage of an other part of Hungary. The city of Eger is spectacular and is famous for its historical castle that was protected by captain István Dobó in 1552. At the castle Erasmus students and their mentors were accompanied by a tour guide. They learned historical facts about the castle and they got acquainted with the noble battle Dobó and his soldiers had fought there.

Early in the afternoon, Erasmus students visited Dobó square where they were having lunch in a restaurant.

Later on, guest students had the opportunity to spend some free time together in Eger. They turned into a local patisserie and bought some traditionally Hungarian souvenirs.
