Important Regulations for International Students Traveling to Hungary

On 18 June 2020, the Government of Hungary terminated the state of emergency, announced on 11 March 2020, and introduced the state of disease control preparedness by announcing a state of healthcare emergency.

For the duration of the state of disease control preparedness, the entering of foreign citizens from abroad to Hungary in passenger traffic is subject to restrictions laid down in Government Decree No. 291 of 2020 (VI. 17.) on travel restrictions during the state of disease control preparedness.

According to Government Decree 291/2020 (17 June) on travel restrictions during the pandemic preparedness period, the following persons are allowed to enter Hungary without restrictions:

  • Hungarian nationals,
  • EU nationals and nationals of EEA member states and Switzerland (excluding UK),
  • third country family members of the above mentioned persons,
  • furthermore, granted through reciprocity, nationals of Serbia – based on the Decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 9/2020 (17 June),
  • nationals of Ukraine for a maximum period of 24 hours and within 30 km of the border area – based on the Decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 9/2020 (17 June),

In general students who do not hold a citizenship of a country from the European Union or the European Economic Area (with the exception of citizens of the United Kingdom), cannot enter the country yet, unless they apply for a prior entry permit (exemption from the general restriction) upon grounds of fulfillment of a study or examination obligation on the basis of a student or pupil status, certified by the educational institution.  The request can only be submitted electronically and in Hungarian language, and can be submitted by the requester or through a legal representative or an authorized person to the Hungarian Police through this link.

Please note that the police authority on grounds of epidemiological, public security or national security risk may reject the request. In this case, there is a right of appeal against the rejection. An appeal against the decision concerning the entry request can be lodged by using a newly created form called “Appeal against the decision on assessing the request to enter Hungary”. The request and the appeal can only be lodged electronically in Hungarian language, by using the standard forms and are to be submitted here

Upon arrival in Hungary, there will be a medical examination. In case the result of the COVID-19 test is positive, the infected person is not allowed to enter the territory of Hungary. Provided the result of the test is negative, the person will be permitted to enter but official home quarantined for two weeks.
