Iran’s Foreign Relations – Workshop

Pázmány Péter Catholic University hosted the workshop titled Iran’s Foreign Relations: Ambitions, Regional Hegemony and Ideology, on May 3, 2019. The event was organized by Pázmány International Club.

Hungarian and foreign experts analyzed the timeliness of the Iranian foreign policy. János Jany, expert on Iran and the Islam religion chaired the first panel. The first topic, Scopes, Ambitions and Limits of the Islamic Republic of Iran was presented by Erzsébet N. Rózsa, from the National University of Public Service. Afterwards, Attila Kovács, professor of Comenius University of Bratislava presented The Visual Representation of the Iranian Foreign Policy by current posters and advertisements. These focused on the United Nations, Israel and the United States of America. Closing the panel Péter Marton, professor of Budapest Corvinus University held his lecture titled Anti-Shipping Incidents in Waters around Yemen: Lessons with a View to Iran and the Gulf Region.

The second section was chaired by Erzsébet N. Rózsa. Sajjad Ahman from Comenius University held the first lecture about The Impacts of the Iranian Islamic Revolution on the Socio-Political Formulation of the Shia Community in Pakistan. Next, Máté Szalai from Budapest Corvinus University talked about the The Prospects and Limits of Iranian-Syrian Relations, focusing on the factors influencing their development as well as their limits. Finally, Middle-East and Islam expert László Csicsmann, analyzed the Iranian Foreign Policy from a neorealist perspective, looking for the answer to the question: Is Iran a Revisionist State in the MENA Region?
