Memory Matters. Film, Culture, Politics


Cinema is the twentieth century's memory and imaginary – as Thomas Elsaesser argues in his latest film historical book. The purpose of this symposium is to highlight and discuss a small segment of this enormous heritage in cultural studies approach. The subjects of analysis, presenters and approaches differ a lot, and yet, they can be placed on a fictitious map with certain time and space coordinates.
Postcolonial and post-socialist regions are next to each other on this map: societies whose culture can be described with these terms have parallels in their 'chronopolitics' and 'geopolitics'. Film itself is a constantly changing medium whose production, function and consumption is globally linked to digital devices nowadays but has been always determined by local cultural, economical and political transformations. How do all these facts formulate our research focuses, how can we relate such distant regimes and cultures? Highlights from one possible aspect show that traumas of the colonial past, dictatorships, wars and cultural resistance connect these regions: memory matters.

Venue: PPKE BTK, Sophianum room 206 (1 Mikszáth Kálmán tér, 1088 Budapest)
Date: 2017. November 17-18.

Presentations will be given in Hungarian with English translation and in English.

Guests of Honor:

Dr. Isabel Capeloa Gil Full Professor of Cultural Studies, Rector of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP)

Dr. Thomas Elsaesser film historian, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Media and Culture of the University of Amsterdam.

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