Bálint Kovács, head of the Armenian Studies Department at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, and Grigor Grigorjan (Halle an der Saale) have published the travel account of Minas Bžškeanc' (1830), a Mekhitarist monk from Venice, which discusses the Armenians in Central-, Eastern- and South-Eastern Europe and their mythic Ani-origin. Issued by German/Austrian science publisher "Böhlau Verlag", the source is the first such synthesis in the field, and until now only the original Armenian edition was available. The almost 500-page German-language commented edition, which is the first foreign language edition of the 19th century source, introduces in great detail the several Armenian communities of the region, their material and cultural heritage, and their relations with other ethnic groups. One of the introductory remarks about the author is from Marc Nichanian, former professor of Columbia University (New York).
New publication: Travel account of Minas Bžškeanc' (1830)
The travel account of the Mekhitartist monk Minas Bžškeanc' has been published by Bálint Kovács and Grigor Grigorjan (Halle an der Saale) at Böhlau Verlag under the title Der Reisebericht des Minas Bžškeancʻ über die Armenier im östlichen Europa.