Orientation Day at Pázmány

Pázmány Péter Catholic University held its orientation days, as the first official meeting for foreign students starting the spring semester at our university.

The event was held at the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics. More than 60 foreign students took part at the event where they could meet their coordinators and mentors, who will help them with their studies at Budapest. On February 7, all students from each faculty got information regarding the following semester.

First, institutional Erasmus+ coordinator Miss Réka Reinisch and Kristóf Karacs Ph.D, Vice Dean at the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics warmly welcomed all visiting students. He wished them a great experience in Budapest, encouraging them to connect not only with other students, but professors as well. He illustrated it through his own semesters spent abroad.

Hereupon, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Erasmus coordinator Miss Anna Pereszlényi, introduced the listeners to the semester. She detailed the compulsory paperwork, official Hungarian holidays, important deadlines and the schedule of the academic year.

The students then watched a short video about Hungary, inciting them to travel around Hungary and also the neighboring countries.

Károly Pintér, Ph.D, Head of the Institute of English and American Studies presented an introduction to Hungarian culture, basic information about the country and Budapest.

Lastly, Ildikó Kovács taught the students some basic Hungarian.

On the second day of the orientation, each student got specific faculty introductions, to make them more familiar with classes, schedule, deadlines and teachers. Miss Anna Pereszlényi helped the students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

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