Pázmány Clinches 3rd Place at Etiquette and Protocol Competition


Young university students studying international affairs in June 2022 gathered for an international competition of etiquette and protocol in Budapest to test their knewledge in internationally standardised public formal behaviour and event management.

The 5-strong squad of Pázmány's international studies got the bronze for their performance at the event held in Budapest. They put to the test their knowledge in diplomacy, sports and church protocol, cultural diplomacy and dressing etiquette.

Foreign competitors included teams from Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), and Beregszász (Beregovo, Ukraine).

Congratulations to Valentin Chirico, Hanga Demeter, Nóra Koczó, Eszter Szenes, Benedek Tőczik! Coach: Amarilla Kiss, teacher at the Intl. Studies Department
