Pázmány Film Festival 2018

International short film festival, 26 February - 2 March 2018

The Italian Department, the French Department and the Spanish Department of Pázmány Péter Catholic University and Szitafilm Kft, under the patronage of Budapest Film Zrt., in cooperation with Italian Cultural Institute of Budapest,
with French Institute of Budapest, with Cervantes Institute of Budapest, with ViviBudapest Cultural Association and Kalat Nissa Film Festival, organize the 5th edition of Pázmány Film Festival International Short Film Festival.

We are expecting short films from all around the world, in 3 categories:

1. Fiction short films focused on traditions, society and culture (up to 15 min)
2. Documentaries (up to 25 min)
3. Animated short films (up to 15 min)

in which we expect also:
Animated short films for kids aged between 6 and 14 (up to 15 min)

Subscription is free

Screenings for the juries: from February 26 to March 2, 2018. Various workshops on cinema will be held during this week.

The awards ceremony will take place on May 4, 2018.

How to Subscribe

1. Fill the registration form and the disclaimer and send the signed document by e-mail not later than 10th February 2018 at the following address: pazmanyfestival@gmail.com 
2. All short films sent to the competition must arrive no later than 10th February 2018.
3. Short films can be sent by:

  • WeTransfer – send the download link at pazmanyfestival@gmail.com 
  • YouTube – with link to a private video
  • Vimeo – with link and password to a private video
  • Dropbox – with shared folder
  • using the website www.clickforfestivals.com (those registering their film this way, do not need to fill any other registration forms)

4. In case of low quality screening, we will ask the participants to send us their films on DVD by post.
5. You can send your application also to the following address: SZITAFILM KFT, Teréz krt. 6., félem. 8. – 1066 Budapest, Hungary.
6. Each competitor can participate with a total of 2 short films (also in the same categories).
7. Films already presented or awarded in other competitions are admitted
8. Maximum duration:

  • short films (Fiction short films, Animated short films): 15 minutes (including titles and credits)
  • documentaries: 25 minutes (including titles and credits)

9. Every film must be subtitled in English.


Juniores jury: students aged between 6 and 14 (selection of animated short films for kids)
Iuvenis jury: students aged between 15 and 18
Aurora jury: students aged between 19 and 24
Senior jury: jury of experts

The final selection list of the films will be announced until 4th April 2018.


Top prizes (sums of the votes from all the juries)
Pázmány prize: 150 euro, award plaque and certificate for the first classified in each category
Pázmány award plaque and certificate: second classified in each category
Pázmány award certificate: third classified in each category

Prizes by each jury:
Juniores award plaque: for the animated film that has obtained the highest number of votes from Juniores jury
Iuvenis award plaque: for the film that has obtained the highest number of votes from Iuvenis jury
Aurora award plaque: for the film that has obtained the highest number of votes from Aurora jury
Senior award plaque: for the film that has obtained the highest number of votes from Senior jury

Award certificate for: 

  • best direction
  • best screenplay
  • best leading actor/actress

The festival, at his discretion, can add more awards.


Registration form →
