Summer School opportunities

Here you can find information on some upcoming summer school programmes

Faculties and Academies of the University of Ljubljana offer more than 20 summer school courses in 2021(5 - 23 July) from a wide variety of disciplines: from economic and business sciences, law to social work and technical sciences. The most traditional ones are the summer school programs organized by the Faculty of Arts: the 57th Seminar of Slovenian Language, Literature and Culture, and the 40th Summer School of Slovenian Language attracting more Slovenian language enthusiasts from all over the world each year. You can find more detailed information on the summer school courses at our website


Solving wicked problems of the future – online summer course

Do you want to learn more about marine ecology, governance and maritime business? The Sea—Solving wicked problems of the future ocean course aims to introduce the students to some of the current ocean-related wicked problems and to discuss solutions that enable coexistence between marine and maritime life and the modern society that promotes sustainability.A 'wicked problem' is a challenging and urgent problem with numerous causes and effects, for instance climate change, or eutrophication of water bodies. Their solution involves a number of different stakeholders with divergent views, which makes these problems inherently difficult to solve. The course is organized by Åbo Akademi University between 9-20 August. Read more about the course and sign up by 12 April


The Visegrad Summer School is a series of trainings addressed to young people from the Visegrad Group and Eastern Europe countries, implemented since 2002 by the Villa Decius Association in Krakow. With its interdisciplinary formula and attractive range of activities, the School offers an engaging setting for the promotion of dialogue between nations and cultures, discussion about stereotypes and the often-complex nature of historical heritage and the mutual planning of future actions. The recipients of the programme are students, PhD students, young teachers, entrepreneurs, start-up founders, initiators of competitive business, journalists, young professionals and activists from the Visegrad Group countries, Central and Eastern Europe citizens, as well as from Eastern Partnership countries.
More information and an application form are available at: application form is available at the link:


Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: Whereas the KU Summer School 2021 focuses on German language and culture, the virtual WFI Summer School 2021 organized at WFI - Ingolstadt School of Managemen) is an innovative program for advanced students of business and economics, entirely taught in English. Via zoom and other digital formats, the WFI summer school offers a two-week virtual and interactive program supported by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Students attend high-class academic courses on the role of firms in society, experience real world business insights, discuss with German CEOs and politicians and interact with students and academics from all over the world.
For both virtual summer programs, applications are open from the 1st of April until the 15th May.


French Summer Academy from July 1st to July 21st 2021.

ICES French Summer Academy offers a comprehensive and all-inclusive 3-week study abroad package for French language study.
For any further inquiries, please contact us at


Le Mans Université :
International Summer Campus online again in 2021The programme will take place from Monday 21st June to Thursday 15th July 2021.
Registration is open until Friday 21st May.


VIA Summer School
Places available - last call! The application deadline for VIA Summer School was 1 April, but we still have a few seats available at our United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals and Co-Creation and Deep Dive into Entrepreneurship courses. Seats are available to students from partner institutions who are eligible to receive fee waivers (credits can be transferred to home institution).
Please contact as soon as possible to hear more about this option.


Univie: summer school for Hungarian-German Language Tandem in Szombathely



Expand your academic horizons this summer at KU Leuven:
