The Armenian Community of Lebanon

Dr. Paul Haidostian's lecture on the Armernian Community of Lebanon

The rich activity of the Armenian community in Lebanon mostly follows the deportations during the Armenian Genocide. However, the Armenian presence in the country goes back centuries. Lebanon's uniqueness as a multi-cultural country on the crossroad of trade routes and civilizations has enabled the Armenian community to excel in various domains and establish itself as a major center of the Armenian diaspora and promote Armenian identity and productivity for long decades. The current challenges of Middle Eastern and global nature and the renewed role of the Republic of Armenia have been impacting the Armenians of Lebanon in direct and indirect ways. The singularity of this vibrant community, however, persists despite the signs of reduced vigor.

Rev. Dr. Paul A. Haidostian
President, Haigazian University, Beirut, Lebanon, since 2002, following a nine-year teaching career at the Near East School of Theology in Beirut.

Dr. Haidostian holds a BA in Psychology from Haigazian University, a Master of Divinity degree from the Near East School of Theology, a Master of Theology and a Ph.D. in Pastoral Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ.
He is an ordained minister in the Union Armenian Evangelical Churvhes in the Near East.
In addition to his past and present local & international responsibilities in major academic, ecclesial, ecumenical and educational organizations and editoral bodies, he teaches, lectures, and writes in Armenian, Arabic, and English on a wide variety of topics such as education, ecumenism, theology, youth, community, and social and public issues.

The lecture will take place on March 13, 2019 in Sophianum, room 206. (1 Mikszáth Kálmán tér, Budapest)
