Olga Jankov


Serbia, CEEPUS

How do you like Pázmány Péter Catholic University so far?
Well, I like it. It’s a university with a tradition and it already deals with a lot of international students. I also like that here I can study Sociology. In Belgrade I study Demography, but here I attend Sociology classes and I like to see the different perspectives of the study of society. Now I have a bigger picture of how to observe society.
In terms of the education system, I wouldn’t say that there are a lot of differences. It’s more or less the same as the one I am studying in Serbia. The only difference is that there are fewer people in classes here.

Do you enjoy studying here?
People are really friendly. As we are in similar situations, we can understand each other. When I arrived I was introduced to every other international student and I felt welcome here.

Is this your first time in Budapest? Have you travelled a lot?
I was travelling throughout Europe. I studied in the Chech Republic for a year while I was in high school. I have also visited Budapest four times before. It has the spirit and the atmosphere I like.

Have you tried any typical Hungarian dishes or drinks? How do you like them?
I did try lángos, kürtőskalács and gulyás. Kürtőskalács is my new favourite, I just love it, I can’t get enough of it. And a lángos is enough for half a day.

Do you miss anything from your hometown?
I miss my friends and my family but not so much, because I know I am only here for a short time (3 months). I really enjoy myself here.

Are you content with the programmes and social events the university organizes for international students?
There are a lot of events. I liked International Dinners and I joined some other events like board games and picnics as well.

Have you learned any Hungarian words yet?
Yeah, I know some. ’Egy bort kérek. Köszönöm. Szia, sziasztok, igen, nem, jó napot!, nem tudok magyarul :), mit csinálsz?, hogy vagy?’. If someone says something, I understand. When you read something and you try to pronounce it, you may sound really ridiculous. Hungarian is very difficult to pronounce.
