
Silence in Modern Irish Literature
Silence in Modern Irish Literature
Silence in Modern Irish Literature is a volume of scholarly essays that has recently been published by Brill-Rodopi. It is edited by Dr. Michael McAteer, Associate Professor of English in the Institute of English and American Studies at PPCU.
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Bard in the USA
Bard in the USA
The Special relationship between America and Shakespeare – A masterclass by Dr. Paul Prescott
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Two Years, Two Degrees
Two Years, Two Degrees
Interview with Anett Matkó: The first student who finished her studies in the dual degree master programme of International Studies.
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Women, Politics and Democracy in Taiwan
Women, Politics and Democracy in Taiwan
On Monday, the 20th March at 18.00 Chelsea C. Chou, Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University is going to give a lecture with the title of Women, Politics and Democracy in Taiwan.
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