
UCLA Professor Teaches at PPCU
UCLA Professor Teaches at PPCU
Lee Beaudoen Ph.D, lecturer at one of the most respected universities in the United States, University of California, Los Angeles, will teach at our Faceulty during the 2019/2020 academic year.
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Scholarship Announcement
Scholarship Announcement
The Institute of Armenian Studies at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest, Hungary) is thrilled to announce the availability of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Scholarship for Armenian Studies, for the third year in a row.
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Iran’s Foreign Relations – Workshop
Iran’s Foreign Relations – Workshop
Pázmány Péter Catholic University hosted the workshop titled Iran’s Foreign Relations: Ambitions, Regional Hegemony and Ideology, on May 3, 2019. The event was organized by Pázmány International Club.
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