NYDI Rendszeres félévzáró doktoranduszkonferencia


Semester-final workshop, Spring 2024

Időpont/Date: 2024. július 1.
Helyszín/Venue: Danubianum 007

13:00-13:30 kerekasztal-beszélgetés a képzés mintatervéről / roundtable discussion on the contents of the curriculum;
megnyitó, eligazítás / conference opening, orientation

13:30-13:55 Hagymási Judit: A csak partikula gyermeknyelvi vizsgálata
13:55-14:20 Gulás Máté: Preschoolers’ comprehension of information structure: New evidence from the effect of sentence-level focus on logical scope
14:20-14:45 Hatvani Péter: Building blocks of classifiers: Implementing BERT models 
14:45-15:10 Hajner Réka: The perceptual assimilation of the TRAP and of the GOAL vowel by Hungarian learners of English

15:10-15:30 szünet (+ esetleges csúszás) / break

15:30-15:55 Ohashi Iori: Japanese Tokkōtai letters from a speech act point of view
15:55-16:20 Tajti Laura: Language proficiency, collaborative interaction and foreign language anxiety: An examination of English discourse among Hungarian EFL university students
16:20-16:45 Victor Achuodho: Implementation of the new language curriculum in Kenya
16:45-17:10 Al Ikhwan Fadqur Rohqim: ESP teacher identity construction: A case study of ESP teachers at Indonesian universities



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