Nyári egyetem kínai partnerünknél


Ajánljuk minden érdeklődő figyelmébe a PPKE partneregyeteme, a Hangzhoui Tanárképző Egyetem (HNU) által szervezett nyári egyetemet.

2016 China Studies International Summer Program

Brighten up your summer and join us for a unique China Studies Program.

Hangzhou Normal University

Founded as a teacher training school in 1908, Hangzhou Normal University has a history of over 100 years, which has bestowed the institution with a glorious tradition of producing first-rate teachers and educators at different levels for the whole Chinese nation. Through a century's development, the University has now become a comprehensive institution of higher education with a full spectrum of disciplines, covering such areas as arts and sciences, humanities, education, music, engineering, information technology, business, law, medicine and nursing.

Program Description

The China Studies Program(CSP) at HNU provides students with a comprehensive learning experience that combines China Studies courses, visiting E-commerce enterprises, Chinese Kung Fu and field trips.

Language of Intruction: English

Credits: 8 credits in total

Four China Studies courses (1 credit respectively), Chinese Kung Fu (1 credit), Three field trips (1 credit respectively)

How to Apply

Please send the following documents to International Office of your school

  • Up to date transcript
  • Recommendation letter from the head of the department
  • Motivation letter-in which you explain why you want to attend this program in one page maximum
  • CV
  • Passport picture

Application Schedule

Application deadline:Feb.28th 2016

  • Notification of Acceptance:March 10th 2016
  • Course dates: July 4-21 2016

Program Expense:RMB 5000 (US Dollars 800)

HNU offers single or double rooms(depending on room availability) equipped with private bathrooms, communal kitchens and laundry.


Mr. Lyu Min, lm@hznu.edu.cn, 008657128861955
School of International Education, Hangzhou Normal University
Add:NO.58, Haishu Rd, Cangqian,Yuhang, 311121, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R.China

More information


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