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Media & Public Relations Internships 2017


Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation Team is pleased to announce that the recruitment process for our Winter/Spring 2017 Media and Public Relations Internships has just begun.

Students and recent graduates are invited to join our research and conservation efforts in the Aegean Sea islands in Greece.

Archipelagos’ Media and Public Relations projects focus on:
Press releases for newspapers, internet, television and radio
• Scientific illustrations of the species of the Greek seas and islands, both marine and terrestrial
• Design of animations about marine and terrestrial biodiversity of the Aegean ecosystems and the factors which threaten them
Filming and photography
• Creating illustrations to be used for informational material in related conservation activities with the aim of raising public awareness
• Management of social networks to promote Archipelagos’ conservation efforts and launch awareness campaigns
• Designing and organising fundraising campaigns and events.

További információ a honlapon:


2025. febr.
Reneszánsz Kutatócsoport est – Magyar Shakespeare Bizottság
Danubianum 412
2025. febr.
PPKE BTK HÖK x Szemeszternyitó Farsang
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