Kínai-indiai vetélkedés - lengyel diplomata PEACH előadása

A PEACH eseménysorozat következő vendége Lengyelország volt indiai nagykövete.

A PPKE BTK Modern Kelet-Ázsia Kutatócsoport szeretettel meghívja önt következő PEACH eseményére, melynek előadója Tomasz Łukaszuk, Lengyelország volt indiai nagykövete, jelenleg a Varsói Egyetem és a Global India Network tudományos munkatársa.

Az előadás címe: Competition between India and China in the Indian Ocean Region – Implications for Central Europe

Időpontja: 2018. március 21. (szerda) 18:00-20:00

Helye: PPKE BTK Sophianum, 1088 Budapest, Mikszáth Kálmán tér 1. II. em. 204-es terem

Az előadás nyelve angol.

FB esemény: https://www.facebook.com/events/166304883939796/ 

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!

Az előadásról:

The return of global economic gravity to Asia and the Pacific in the 21st century resulted in the growth of regional and global trade, as well as cross-border investment flows in the IOR. The Indian Ocean serves as an important gateway and bridge between Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Indian Ocean constitutes 20% of the world's surface, its littoral countries are home to 40% of the world's population, Sea Lines of Communication handles 61% of container traffic and 70% of petroleum transit of the world.

The importance of contemporary challenges and opportunities facing the IOR stem from interests of the regional and extra-regional players, like the US, India and China. The US was seeking allies in its global competition with China and had chosen India as the platform of the emanation of its interests. It contributed to the strategic rivalry between most populous countries of the world. It triggered an open competition between newly open strategic ports – Chabahar in Iran, supported by India and Gwadar in Pakistan, backed by China. Chinese String of Pearls thus competes with Indian String of Diamonds.

Countries of Central Europe, especially Poland and Hungary, have been engaged in strategic and intercontinental initiatives of China. 'One Belt One Road' initiative with its maritime dimension in the IOR created a unique opportunity for our countries to obtain a significant place in China's European strategy and gain economic benefits, enriching the political dimension of 1+16 cooperation. Cargo traffic in trade with India through the Indian Ocean is essential for our countries (and India) due to the fact that 90% of the goods imported from the European Union goes through ports of Mumbai and Kolkata. The EU is still the most important trade partner of India. Poland is, as Hungary, dependent on German, Dutch and Slovenian ports in international cargo traffic. What are our chances and challenges in the context of competition between China and India in the IOR? Are there any alternatives for our sea transportation dependency from Hamburg, Koper and Rotterdam, the cheapest way of delivering the goods? What kind of format can Poland and Hungary create to increase its importance for India and its strategic planning in the IOR in the context of its economic and political ambitions?


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