A Pázmány International Club (PIC) szeretettel meghívja Önt az ,,Iran's Foreign Relations: Ambitions, Regional Hegemony and Ideology" c. workshopra.
Időpont: 2019. május 3. (péntek) 15:00–18:00
Helyszín: PPKE BTK Sophianum, 1088 Budapest, Mikszáth Kálmán tér 1. 204-es terem
Nyelv: angol
Chair: János Jany (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest)
15:00–15:25 Scopes, Ambitions and Limits of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Erzsébet N. Rózsa (National University of Public Service, Budapest)
15:25–15:50 The Visual Representations of the Iranian Foreign Policy. Attila Kovács (Comenius University, Bratislava)
15:50-16:15 Anti-Shipping Incidents in Waters around Yemen: Lessons with a View to Iran and the Gulf Region. Péter Marton (Budapest Corvinus University)
16:15¬–16:45 Coffee Break
Chair: Erzsébet N. Rózsa (National University of Public Service, Budapest)
16:45–17:10 The Impacts of the Iranian Islamic Revolution on the Socio-Political Formulation of the Shia Community in Pakistan. Sajjad Ahmad (Comenius University, Bratislava)
17:10–17:35 The Prospects and Limits of Iranian-Syrian Relations. Máté Szalai (Budapest Corvinus University)
17:35–18:00 Is Iran a Revisionist State in the MENA Region? Analyzing Iranian Foreign Policy from a Neorealist Perspective. László Csicsmann (Budapest Corvinus University)