GPRT 2003

Budapest--Vienna Government Phonology Round Table III, Budapest

The Budapest--Vienna Government Phonology Round Table III was organized by the English Linguistics Department of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.


Date: 5-6 April 2003, Saturday and Sunday

Venue: the Research Institute for Linguistics,
Benczúr utca 33, 1068 Budapest, Hungary


Friday, 4 April

Stigma Festival (Merlin Theatre, Budapest V, Gerlóczy utca 4) dance performances, jazz & Moroccan music, pub &c

Saturday, 5 April

10--11  Attila Starcevic (Budapest), Closed domains in Croatian or what to do with a cluster?
11--12  Friedrich Neubarth & John Rennison (Vienna), An x-bar theory of Government Phonology
12--14  lunch
14--15  Dániel Huber (Budapest), On some velar and palatal interactions
15--16  Markus A. Pöchtrager (Helsinki/Vienna), Bits and pieces of length
16--18  discussion 
20--  party

Sunday, 6 April

10--11  Tobias Scheer (Nice), Sonorants in positional plight
11--12  László Kristó (Budapest), Proto-Slavonic palatalisations: UPs and DOWNs
12--14  lunch
14--15  Saso Zivanovic (Ljubljana/Vienna), Manner as a skeletal relation?
15--16  discussion

the topics of the discussions
  1. The status of coronals and velars with respect to unmarkedness: Which are unmarked and why? Does it matter at all? (To what extent can we establish markedness relations between these two sets based solely on phonological consideration?)
  2. Universal phonetic interpretation of elements vs arguments based on alternations taken from languages where the interpretation IS different: can we have both, don't we ``cheat'' here? If it is not universal we lose the strength of the theory too...
  3. Let us suppose all forces are right-to-left: what do we do to phenomena like vowel harmony and progressive voice assimilation.
  4. Can GP and CV and the related thoeries handle stress or it is sent to Metrical Phonology? What is stress then phonologically: a CV? Harris 1997 does speak about such issues, how are those or other insights incorporated into CVCV or VC?
  • Fouad M. Asfour, Vienna
  • Reinhard Bachmaier, Vienna
  • Katalin Balogné Bérces, Budapest
  • Sylvia Blaho, Leiden/Budapest
  • Monik Charette, London
  • Csaba Csides, Budapest
  • Alja Ferme, Ljubljana/Vienna
  • Ágnes Gyarmati, Budapest
  • Dániel Huber, Budapest
  • Zoltán Kiss, Budapest
  • Pál Kovács, Budapest
  • László Kristó, Budapest
  • Klaus Kühnhammer, Vienna
  • Ádám Nádasdy, Budapest
  • Friedrich Neubarth, Vienna
  • Kevin Perner, Vienna
  • Krisztina Polgárdi, Szeged
  • Markus A. Pöchtrager, Helsinki/Vienna
  • Péter Rebrus, Budapest
  • John Rennison, Vienna
  • Katalin Romeisz, Budapest
  • Tobias Scheer, Nice
  • Péter Siptár, Budapest
  • Attila Starcevic, Budapest
  • Regula Sutter, Vienna
  • Péter Szigetvári, Budapest
  • Marianna Tóth, Budapest
  • Miklós Törkenczy, Budapest
  • Saso Zivanovic, Ljubljana/Vienna


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