GPRT 2009

Piliscsaba, Hungary

GPRT'09 was held at the Piliscsaba campus of Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary, on 25 April 2009, organized by the local phonological team of the English Department. The homepage is at

Special issue of Acta Linguistica Hungarica: proceedings of the Government Phonology Round Table held at PPKE University in 2009, edited by Katalin Balogné Bérces. Appeared as Issue 4 of 2010. Click.

Photo album :-)

GPRT programme: Pázmány Room, Stephaneum, PPKE Campus, Piliscsaba

11.30 Ben Si Said Samir (Nice): Association under control: the case of Kabyle
12.00 Jonathan Kaye (Ljubljana) & Markus Pöchtrager (Istambul): GP 2.0

*** 12.30 Lunch break *** (Hot sandwiches and pizza +
food/drink hoarding :-) university buffet closes at 1.00!!)

1.00 Markus Pöchtrager (Istambul): Does Turkish Diss Harmony?
1.30 Shanti Ulfsbjorninn (London): Locality, Length and Licensing Domains: [li::v] and [li:və] ('leave' and 'lever') map onto identical structure

*** 2.00 Coffee break ***

2.30 Sean Jensen (Shanghai), Jonathan Kaye (Ljubljana), Markus Pöchtrager (Istambul) and Saṧo Zivanović (Ljubljana) (aka "The Gang of Four"): G.P. 2.0 and Putonghua too
3.00 László Kristó (Piliscsaba): Old English Pre-Cluster Lengthening as Compensatory Lengthening?
3.30 Geoff Schwartz (Poznan): Onset Prominence – A GP-inspired account of the phonetics-phonology interface. The primacy of onsets

*** 4.00 Coffee break ***

4.30 Markéta Ziková (Brno) & Tobias Scheer (Nice): The Coda Mirror v2 (but not exactly 2.0)
5.00 Dániel Huber (Paris) & Katalin Balogné Bérces (Piliscsaba): On [voice] and/versus [spread glottis] in Element Theory
5.30 GPRT business meeting (next year's GPRT, publication in Acta), discussion of further programme :-)

*** 5.40 Concluding remarks ***
5.51 Train back to Budapest

Information for presenters:
We (well, at least one of the organizers :-)) strongly encourage slideshow presentations with no handouts (full presentations can be uploaded to this website in any format after the roundtable!). Nevertheless, if you want to distribute handouts, we recommend that you bring about (25?) copies. There are photocopiers in the senior common room of the Department, so we may be able to make further copies for you. The Department also has a data projector and a laptop, but please note that no new font or software can be installed on that laptop, so it is safer if you bring yours, or if you send us your presentation in advance so that we can check whether it is compatible with the existing setup of the laptop. (Unfortunately there will not be a technician available during the conference to help with computer-assisted presentations.)

On the whole day of the roundtable, there will be free internet access in the lecturers' computer room of the Department (Rm.131 in Ambrosianum, with three PCs).



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