Getting Translated


Dear Participants,

Due to the popularity of the event and the limited capacity of the venue, please kindly let us know (in email) if you have registered, but cannot participate! Thank you and see you at the conference!

Programme: in English / in Hungarian

Facebook event >>

The conference, which will be held at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest, Hungary), organised by the Institute of English and American Studies, Department of English Language Pedagogy and Translation Studies on 4th and 5th April 2016, aims to bring together experienced and young scholars of Translation and Interpreting Studies as well as trainers and practitioners to explore and discuss any of the following issues:

  • Translation Studies: development – problems – solutions – open questions
  • basic issues of traditional translation research and new questions
  • new approaches, paradigms and theories
  • multi-/interdisciplinarity in Translation Studies
  • scientific methodology in Translation Studies
  • changes in the global world and challenges for translation theory and translation practice
  • general translation theory versus specific theories for literary translation, specialised translation, audiovisual translation, interpreting
  • process and result of literary translation, specialised translation, audiovisual translation, interpreting
  • the linguistic, cognitive, communicative, cultural, technological dimensions of translation and interpreting
  • quality standards and quality assurance in translation
  • multilingualism, especially in the education of translators

The 'Getting Translated' International Conference aims to offer a forum for exchange between researchers, teachers and practitioners. On the basis of recent and new research results as well as lively discussion between established researchers and newcomers to the discipline, the conference hopes to provide new insights into the different kinds of translation and interpreting activities, at the same time gaining ground on the way to scientifically-based quality standards in translation and interpreting. The papers of the conference will be published.

The working language of the conference will be English.

Confirmed plenary speakers:

  • Michael Cronin (Dublin City University)
  • Anthony Pym (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, European Society for Translation Studies)

Participation is open to scholars, students and teachers in the field of Translation Studies, translators, translation companies, interpreters, linguists, terminologists, publishers etc.

Registration is free of charge, but please let us know whether you can come by filling out the registration form either in English or in Hungarian!

We are inviting proposals which deal with one or more of the issues identified above. Papers are allotted 20 minutes for presentation followed by 10 minutes discussion.

Please submit your abstract stating the title of the paper, name(s) and affiliation(s), complete postal address and e-mail address of the author(s) by using the contact:

Submission deadline for abstract (300 words max.): 29 February 2016
Notification for abstract acceptance: 10th March 2016


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