10th Biannual Conference of the Hungarian Association for American Studies (HAAS10)

Crossing Boundaries: Migration, Amalgamation, and Transgression in American Literature, History, and Culture

Friday 30th May - Saturday 31st May 2014

Convenor: Institute of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Pázmány Péter Catholic University

 Venue: Sophianum building (Budapest, Mikszáth tér 1)

Call For Papers:

2007 marked the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the first permanent English colony along the east coast of North America, out of which the future United States has emerged. During these four centuries, the migration of people, material goods and ideas into the continent has changed the land, which, in turn, has changed the people. Their conflicts, migrations, transformations and amalgamations have been a fundamental feature of American social, political, and cultural history. The strong determination to survive on this land has been accompanied by the urge to transform and subvert, to institute fundamental changes which would make the life and survival of ethnic, racial and gender groups possible. Migration, amalgamation and transgression, along with its powerful drive for transformation, innovation and acceptance, have often raised the opposition of more static, traditional and conservative groups. The aim of the conference is to explore the process and the consequences of crossing the boundaries in the literal or figurative sense, within the realm of the real or the fantastic, and from the subversive or conservative vantage point of ethnic, racial, gender or other groups concerned.

The Tenth biannual conference of HAAS seeks to explore the manifold and interrelated meanings of border crossing in an interdisciplinary context. We seek submissions from scholars active in various fields of American studies including literature, history, social and cultural studies, the visual and creative arts, politics or other related disciplines.

More information: http://btk.ppke.hu/haas10


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