One-year Talent Programmes

This programme offers and provides extracurricular work for talented students. This extracurricular work is helped by a tutor, so students can have the opportunity to be helped, encouraged and looked after by an instructor of the Institute.


Students can propose a theme for a one-year research project. The proposal should include a letter of motivation, and a research plan written up with the help of the tutor. Meetings with the tutor should take place not less frequently than every third week. Candidates who aim at the OTDK competition have an advantage. Two students (a BA and an MA student) per year will be selected as winners. Results of the research should materialize in a 2000-word long report on what has been achieved, presented during the spring department eve.

Deadline for applications: Mon 3 Sept 2018.
Applications are to be sent electronically to Zsolt Almási (

Winners to be informed by 10 Sept 2018.

Individual Programme 2017/2018:
Tamás Balázs (BA, sup. Katalin Balogné Bérces): Competing intrusive liquids in the English language

Individual Programme 2016/2017:
Lili Veronika Németh (5-year MA in TEFL, sup. Tamás Karáth): Marguerite Porete in the English context, and Lilla Bende (MA in TEFL, sup. Csilla Sárdi): Encouraging high school students to become autonomous EFL learners: exploring the possibilities of web-based learning

Lilla Bende won a special award in Language Pedagogy at the 33rd OTDK in Győr, 23-25 March 2017, as part of our four-member winning crew (read the report here)

Individual Programme 2015/2016:
Nóra Mihalik (BA, sup. Katalin Balogné Bérces): Letter-to-sound correspondences for vowels in RP and GA, and Zsuzsanna Balázs (MA, sup. Kinga Földváry): The dramaturgy of ambiguities: The question of authoritarianism in Luigi Pirandello's and W. B. Yeats's late plays


A general topic each year is provided by the Institute for which students can apply. The best three applicants are chosen by a committee. The team that comes into being this way will work with a tutor on that topic for a year. The result of the research project will be presented in writing as a research report, and also during the spring department eve.

Topics announced Apr/May each year.
Deadline for applications: see announcements.
Winners to be informed by end of Sept the latest.

Team Programme 2017/2018: PronEng Reloaded

Team Programme 2016/2017: Shakespeare in the Hungarian Theatre (Data, Patterns, Society and Politics)

Team Programme 2015/2016: Rare Book Project





