Mintatanterv adatlapja

Képzés neve: Az eurázsiai steppe és a finnugor népek régészete szakterület (2023)
Mintatanterv kódja: BMNB-ITR-EURT-2023
Tantárgyak listája:
1 Eurasian background of early Hungarian history in the light of archaeology BMNTR02700A 2 Kötelezően választható Kollokvium Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -
1 History of the archaeological research in early Hungarian history and the Conquest Era BMNTR02500A 3 Kötelezően választható Kollokvium Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -
1 Late Antiquity and Barbarians (Archaeology of the Sarmatians, Huns, and Germanic tribes) BMNTR02400A 2 Kötelezően választható Kollokvium Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -
1 Muslim written sources of early Hungarian history BMNTR02600A 2 Kötelezően választható Gyakorlati jegy Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -
2 Byzantine written sources and the archaeological material in connection with early Hungarian history BMNTR03000A 2 Kötelezően választható Gyakorlati jegy Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -
2 Hungarian prehistory in the background of Slavic Studies and Balkan archaeology BMNTR03600A 3 Kötelezően választható Kollokvium Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -
2 The Archeology of the Late Migration (Avars, Carolingians and Moravians in the Carpathian Basin) BMNTR02800A 3 Kötelezően választható Kollokvium Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -
2 The Uralian and Turkic background of Hungarian prehistory in the light of archaeology BMNTR02900A 3 Kötelezően választható Kollokvium Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -
3 Cemeteries and burial habits in the Hungarian Conquest Period BMNTR04000A 3 Kötelezően választható Kollokvium Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -
3 History of attire and the typology of artifacts from the Hungarian Conquest Period BMNTR03700A 3 Kötelezően választható Kollokvium Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe zone and the peoples of the Finno-Ugric lang. 35 -