Krisztina Koncz, Ágota Unger, Emese Zsifcsák

Call for Applications

Have you ever fantasized about going to the forbidden part of the library in Hogwarts? Have you ever thought about going to a library where there are books that are secret, similar to those that appear in Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose? Has it ever occurred to you that you can become somebody like Poggio Braccolini, who was a 15th-century bookhunter, searching for valuable books in long forgotten libraries? If your answer to one of these questions is yes, then here is your chance.

Pázmány Library has a Rare Book Collection which has not been catalogued; some of the books have not been opened for a very long time, maybe for decades or more – no one knows yet what treasures it may have. In this section of the library there are codices and early print books up till the 18-19th centuries, some of which are extremely beautiful, some are in a poor condition. Three students with Dr. Almási can attend this part of the library, and are allowed to search for books that are related to English studies, books that may be interesting for Hungarian and British book historians, scholars of reception history, or literary scholars. If we find one or two we will let the world know about our findings via creating a digital exhibition of them, publishing a report on the research and give a short presentation of the same at the Spring Department Eve.

Why is it beneficial to join the Rare Book Research Group and be part of the Honours Programme of the English Department? First, because you can satisfy your desire to search for something valuable, valuable on its own terms and for the wider society. Second, because you can develop your research skills. Third, you can work with fellow students and during the year you can learn and practice collaboration. Moreover you may come across a topic that you can further explore, write up the findings into an EDZine post, a research paper, develop into a thesis or OTDK paper, maybe into a doctoral dissertation. Fourth, because you are going to receive a certificate upon successful completion of the task, which can be handy when applying for jobs or further studies. Fifth, simply because you can see, touch and open books that very few people can. Or just enjoy being selected for the Honours Programme.

What is it that you have to do to become a member of this research group?

You have to write up a letter of motivation about why you would like to join the research group. You should also address questions about your interests, talents that you already have, or expertise that might be useful, areas in which you would like to improve yourself, if you have some experience in working together with other people. You have to send this letter as an email attachmentand in a printed format to Deák Barbara, the secretary of the Department. The deadline for sending these to her is * 30th May *. Then a committee will evaluate the candidates and notify them about the decision. The project is going to start in mid-September 2015 and will last for the entire 2015/2016 academic year.