Apply to be a U.S. Embassy Intern!


The American Embassy in Budapest, Hungary is seeking student applications for 2024 spring internship positions


Apply to be a U.S. Embassy Intern!

U.S. Embassy Foreign National Student Internship Program

Are you a Hungarian university student who would like an opportunity to gain insight into U.S. foreign policy, diplomacy, and everyday life at the U.S. Mission to Hungary? Currently, students from several Hungarian universities can apply to work as an intern at the U.S. Embassy in Budapest, to explore new career avenues and to acquire lifelong skills. This unpaid internship program is designed to provide substantive experience in a foreign affairs environment. We seek a broad range of academic majors and a diversity of experience and backgrounds.


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Be a student with active status at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest.
  • Have a strong interest in U.S. foreign affairs and bilateral relations.
  • Be able to devote approximately 20 hours/week for up to six weeks to work in one of the offices of the Embassy.
  • Be able to successfully complete a background investigation and a medical check.
  • Be able to speak and write in Hungarian (intermediate level).
  • Duration of the internship is maximum six weeks.
  • Student participants must have a mandatory internship requirement for their degree program.


Application Deadlines

The Embassy is advertising internship opportunities for the Spring 2024 semester. Deadline for applications: 12/19/2023.


Compensation and Benefits

This is an unpaid internship.

Interns may be able to earn college credit for successful completion of the internship.

Upon successful completion of the internship, you may receive a letter of recommendation/appreciation from the Embassy.

Free usage of the gym.

Involvement in Embassy community events.


How to Apply


Application Form (PDF, 242 KB; also called Statement of Interest); (Application Form/Statement of Interest can be obtained from the Career Center/Office of the applicant’s university/college as well.)

Personal statement explaining your reasons for applying for the internship.

Valid certificate of active student status.

If you wish to apply for an internship in more than one office, please submit an Application Form for each section and also rank your preferences.


Where to submit

Human Resources Office
Embassy of the United States of America
Szabadság tér 12, H-1054 Budapest


Deadline for applications: 12/19/2023.



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