Non-invasive Archaeology Training School (NATS)


General Information

The school is open to student and professional appl icants and will take place in and around Pécs in south-west Hungary. Suppor ted by the European Union, it is organized by the Depar tment of Archaeology of the Janus Pannonius Museum in Pécs within the framework of the ArchaeoLandscapes Europe (ArcLand) proj ect

The aim of the school is to give students and professionals a general under standing of the subjects given below:

  • use of non- invasive methods of pr ospection for archaeological heritage research, protection and pr omotion;
  • aerial archaeologic al reconnaissance, mapping and interpr etation of vertical and oblique aerial images and use of LiDAR data;
  • basic knowledge and practical skills of GIS;
  • geophysical field work and interpretation of data.

The school will be de livered by a team of tutors from the United Kingdom, Poland, Ireland, Slovenia, and Hungary. It will provide students with a wide overview on the potential and practical aspects of non-invasive archaeology. The course will include 1.5-2 hours of flying experience and practical training at two archaeological sites in the use of various geophysical instruments. Student participants will also have the opport unity to work with the data they collected during the lab sessions on data processing and interpretation.

The workshop fee is 120 EUR (36000 HUF). This includes accommodation, 2 meals per day, local transport to sites, and flying costs for participants. Tr avel costs to Pécs are the responsibility of the student participants. The number of students is limited to 16, please make sure to register early!

If possible please bring your (preferably Windows-based) laptop and DSLR camera to the training school. The teaching language during the course will be English, so a good command of the language will be necessary.

The deadline for application is 25 April 2013. Please send your application via e-mail to:

Registration form →

Applicants will be informed on the decision before 4 May 2013.

With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union. Also supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.


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