Örmény-bizánci kapcsolatok, Örmény történelem (ókori, késő antik, középkori), Keresztény Kelet, Filológia és szövegkritika, Örmény irodalom (ókori, késő antik, középkori)
A lektorált publikációkat a (*) jelöli.
Újság cikkek és könyvfejezetek
‘New Finds from Vienna: An Unknown Armenian Translation of John Chrysostom’s De Macabeis hom. 1 [CPG 4354.1] Preserved in the Library of the Mekhitarist Fathers’, in Anahit Avagyan, Uta Koschmieder, Balint Kovacs, and Meliné Pehlivanian (eds), Festschrift Armenuhi Drost-Abgaryan, Internationale Werkstücke, Deutsch-Armenische Studien 3 (Halle: Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, forthcoming), 1–14.
(*) ‘Uncovering Lost Armenian Texts: Schøyen Collection MS 575 and the Armenian Translation of John Chrysostom’s Commentary on the Psalms’, in Jost Gippert, José Maksimczuk, and Hasmik Sargsyan (eds), Palimpsests and Related Phenomena across Languages and Cultures, Studies in Manuscript Cultures 42 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2025), 351–380 [https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111552170-013].
(*) ‘Armeno-Byzantine Studies in the 21st Century. Between Tradition and Turning Points’, in Emilio Bonfiglio and Claudia Rapp (eds), Armenia and Byzantium without Borders. Mobility, Interaction, Responses, Armenian Texts and Studies 7 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2023), 1–12 [https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004679313_002].
(*) ‘Representations of Armenia(s) and the Armenians in Late Antiquity: Theory and Praxis in the Writings of John Chrysostom’, in Emilio Bonfiglio and Claudia Rapp (eds), Armenia and Byzantium without Borders. Mobility, Interaction, Responses, Armenian Texts and Studies 7 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2023), 255–288 [https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004679313_011].
(*) ‘Theo Maarten van Lint: A Tetragonal Scholar’, in Federico Alpi, Robin Meyer, Irene Tinti, and David Zakarian (eds), with the collaboration of Emilio Bonfiglio, Armenia through the Lens of Time: Multidisciplinary Studies in Honour of Theo Maarten van Lint, Armenian Texts and Studies 6 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2022), xx–xlvi [https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004527607_001].
(*) (with Jonathan Stutz co-author) ‘The Arabic Translations of John Chrysostom: State of the Art and Methodology’, Le Muséon 135/3–4 (2022), 417–450 [https://doi.org/10.2143/MUS.135.3.3291202].
‘Tarihsel Ermenistan ve Ermeniler / Historical Armenia and the Armenians’, in Engin Akyürek and Koray Durak (eds), Bizans Dönemi’nde Anadolu / Anatolia in the Byzantine Period, Anadolu Uygarlıkları Serisi’nin / Anatolian Civilizations 10 (Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2021), 454–463 [bilingual publication in Turkish and English; link: here].
(with Johannes Preiser-Kapeller co-author) ‘From Ararat to Mount Zion: Armenian Pilgrimage and Presence in the Holy Land, Fourth to Seventh century’, in Falko Daim, Johannes Pahlitzsch, Joseph Patrich, Claudia Rapp, and Jon Seligman (eds), Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Journeys, Destinations, Experiences across Times and Cultures, Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 19 (Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2020), 75–85 [https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.711].
(*) ‘The Armenian Translations of John Chrysostom: The Issue of Selection’, in Madalina Toca and Dan Batovici (eds), Caught in Translation: Studies on Versions of Late Antique Christian Literature, Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity 17 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2020), 35–63 [https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004417182_004].
(*) ‘Giovanni Crisostomo e il Corpus Chrysostomicum nell’Armenia tardoantica: strumenti di lavoro, fortuna e prospettive di ricerca’, Adamantius 25 (2019), 214–228 [link: here].
(*) ‘Notes on the Manuscript Tradition of Anianus Celedensis’ Translation of John Chrysostom’s Homiliae in Matthaeum [CPG 4424]’, in Jane Baun, Averil Cameron, Mark Edwards, and Markus Vinzent (eds), Studia Patristica 47 (Leuven: Peeters, 2010), 287–293 [link: here].
(*) ‘Anianus Celedensis Translator of John Chrysostom’s Homilies on Matthew: A Pelagian Interpretation?’, in Savvas Neocleous (ed.), Papers from the First and Second Postgraduate Forums in Byzantine Studies: Sailing to Byzantium (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), 77– 104 [link: here].
Konferencia munkák és jelentések
‘A Sociocultural History of Translations in Medieval Armenia’, in Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Annual Report 2020–2021 (Washington, D.C., 2021), 48–49.
‘Armenia & Byzantium without Borders: Mobility, Interactions, Responses. Vienna, 20–22 April 2018’, Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin 4/2 (2018), 228–231 [https://doi.org/10.25592/uhhfdm.219].
‘Chrysostomian Armenian Manuscripts in Israel and Egypt’, The Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant 6 (2011), 78 [https://doi.org/10.1179/175272711X13140950686103].
Enciklopédia bejegyzések
‘Koriwn’, in Raymond G. Dunphy (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle, 2 vols (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010), ii, 977 [https://doi.org/10.1163/2213-2139_emc_SIM_001208].
‘Łewond’, in Raymond G. Dunphy (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle, 2 vols (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010), ii, 1021–1022 [https://doi.org/10.1163/2213-2139_emc_SIM_01714].
‘Movsēs Xorenac‘i’, in Raymond G. Dunphy (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle, 2 vols (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010), ii, 1125–1127 [https://doi.org/10.1163/2213-2139_emc_SIM_01870].
‘Primary History’, in Raymond G. Dunphy (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle, 2 vols (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010), ii, 1234 [https://doi.org/10.1163/2213-2139_emc_SIM_02119].
‘Sebēos’, in Raymond G. Dunphy (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle, 2 vols (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010), ii, 1347–1348 [https://doi.org/10.1163/2213-2139_emc_SIM_02288].
Daniel King (ed.), The Syriac World (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019), in Journal of Byzantine Studies / Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 73 (2023), 324–327 [https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb73s317].
Augustin, Pierre (ed.), Codices Chrysostomici Graeci VII (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2011), in Analecta Christiana Periodica 79/1 (2013), 236–238 [link: here].
Scala, Andrea, L’antica traduzione armena della “Lettera a Teodoro” di Giovanni Crisostomo (Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2005), in Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, 21 (2012), 283–286 [link: here].
(with Christos Simelidis) Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio Armeniaca, IV. Oratio VI. Edita a Clotaire Sanspeur cum indice a Nancy Castillo, CSCO 61, Corpus Nazianzenum 21 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), in Byzantina 29 (2009), 576–578 [link: here].
Cikk vélemények
Voicu, Sever J., ‘Le traduzioni patristiche dal greco in armeno: il caso di Severiano di Gabala’, Adamantius 25 (2019), 206–213, in Revue d’études augustiniennes et patristiques 69/1 (2023), 240–241.
Kéziratok benyújtása/előkészítése
(*) State, Church, and Media Manipulation in Late Antiquity: John Chrysostom and the Homilies Before his First Exile (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in submission).
(*) (with Claudia Rapp and Ekaterini Mitsiou co-editors) Language Multiplicity: A View from Byzantium (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht).
(*) ‘Multilingualism in Late Antique Armenia Through the Lens of the Early Armenian Historians’, in Claudia Rapp, Emilio Bonfiglio, and Ekaterini Mitsiou (eds), Language Multiplicity: A View from Byzantium (Göttingen : Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht).
(*) (with Theo M. van Lint co-editor) Armenian Literature, Handbook of Oriental Studies VIII 23/4 (Leiden/Boston: Brill).
(*) ‘Armenian Patristic Translations and Homiletics’, in Emilio Bonfiglio and Theo M. van Lint (eds), Armenian Literature, Handbook of Oriental Studies VIII 23/4 (Leiden/Boston: Brill).
‘Armenian Christianity’, in Mark Edwards (ed.), The Edinburgh Critical History of Christian Theology, i: Apostolic and Patristic Christian Theology (Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh).
‘Vita Silvestri’, in Barbara Roggema, Alexandra Cuffel, and Zara Pogossian (eds), Jewish-Christian Relations: From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. A Source History (600-1800) (Kalamazoo/Bradford).
Egyéb publikációk
Review (in French) of: Sessiz Çanlar [Silent Bells], in Nor Haratch Ebdo 221 (15 October 2020), 7 [link].
Co-translator of twenty-two poems from Armenian into English of: Momdjian, Krikor, Wanderings. Պանդխտութեան մէջ In de Diaspora. Բանաստեղծութիւններ Poems Gedichten Poèmes (Alphen aan den Rijn, 2016).
Translation from French of: Calzolari, Valentina, ‘The Editing of Christian Apocrypha in Armenian: Should We Turn Over a New Leaf?’, in Valentina Calzolari (ed.), Armenian Philology in the Modern Era: From Manuscript to Digital Text, Handbook of Oriental Studies VIII 23/1 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2014), 264–291 [DOI: 10.1163/9789004270961_013].
Translation from French of: Morani, Moreno, ‘Connections between Linguistics, Normative Grammar, and Philology’, in Valentina Calzolari (ed.), Armenian Philology in the Modern Era: From Manuscript to Digital Text, Handbook of Oriental Studies VIII 23/1 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2014), 199–213 [DOI: 10.1163/9789004270961_009].
Translation from French of: Calzolari, Valentina, ‘The Ancient Armenian Translations of Greek Philosophical Texts: The Works of David the Invincible’, Scripta & e-Scripta 10–11 (2012), 131–147.
2011 DPhil in Oriental Studies, The Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (formerly: The Faculty of Oriental Studies), University of Oxford.
2009–2010 Visiting Studentship, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University
2008 MPhil in Eastern Christian Studies, The Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (formerly: The Faculty of Oriental Studies), University of Oxford
2006 MA in Classics, Facoltà di lettere e filosofia, University of Palermo
Kiegészítő tudományos képzés
2020–2021 ‘Géorgien ancien’, Institut de langues rares (EPHE), Paris
2018 ‘Third Hiob Ludolf Centre Summer School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Studies’, Mekelle University, Ethiopia (24–29 September)
2018 ‘Summer School in Coptic Literature and Manuscript Tradition’, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg (17–21 September)
2016 ‘International Summer School on Georgian Manuscripts’, Korneli Kekelidze National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi (19–28 July)
2016 ‘Armenian Manuscript Studies: An Introduction’, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (14–18 March)
2006 ‘First Lincoln College International Summer School in Greek Palaeography’, Oxford (August–September)
2005 ‘Summer Course in Ancient Armenian’, Académie des langues anciennes, Digne-les-Bains (July)
2005 ‘Textual Criticism Intensive Course’, Institut des Sources Chrétiennes, Lyon (April)
2004 ‘Stage d’initiation au manuscrit médiéval occidental’, Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT/CNRS), Orléans (September–October)
2003 ‘Intensive Course on the Study and Performance of Ancient Greek Drama’, European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama, Epidaurus (July)
Munkahelyek, beosztások
2022– University of Hamburg, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Culture, ERC Project ‘DeLiCaTe’ (PI: Prof. Jost Gippert), Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
2024 Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Philosophische Fakultät I, Orientalische Institut, Seminar für Christlichen Orient und Byzanz, Mesrop Zentrum für Armenische Studien, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (October–December)
2021–2022 Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, Center for Advanced Studies ‘Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages’ (PI: Profs Mischa Meier, Steffen Patzold, Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner), Research Fellow
2020–2021 Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection/Trustees for Harvard University, Research Fellow in Byzantine Studies
2020 University of Geneva, Faculté des Lettres, Unité d’arménien, Chargé de cours suppléant de langue et littérature arménienne ancienne (Summer Semester)
2019–2020 Boğaziçi University, Department of History, Calouste Gulbenkian Teaching Fellow in Armenian History
2016–2019 University of Vienna, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Wittgenstein-Preis Project ‘Moving Byzantium: Mobility, Microstructure, and Personal Agency’ (PI: Prof. Claudia Rapp), Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
2013–2016 University of Oxford, The Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (formerly: The Faculty of Oriental Studies), British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
2013–2016 University of Oxford, Pembroke College, Junior Research Fellow
2013–2014 University of Geneva, Faculté des Lettres, Unité d’arménien, Chargé d’enseignement suppléant de langue et littérature arménienne ancienne
2012–2013 University of Geneva, Faculté des Lettres, Unité d’arménien, Calouste Gulbenkian Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2011–2012 University of Geneva, Faculté des Lettres, Unité d’arménien, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Tudományos közéleti tagságok
2024–present Syriaca. Associazione italiana di studi siriaci: Regular Member
2023–present Society for Armenian Studies (SAS): Regular Member
2021–present International Association of Armenian Librarians and Archivist (IAALA): Member of the Executive Board, Bylaws Committee, and AIEA-Liaison Officer
2019–present Verein zur Förderung der Christlichen Archäologie Österreichs: Regular Member
2018–present Österreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft (ÖBG): Regular Member
2017–present Österreichisch-Armenische Studiengesellschaft (ÖASG): Regular Member; Executive Committee Vice-Secretary (2017–2019)
2013–present Association pour l’étude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne (AELAC): Regular Member
2009–present Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL): Regular Member
2008–present Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes (AIEA): Regular Member; Member of the Steering Committee (since January 2022)
Tudományos testületekben és folyóiratokban végzett tevékenység
Folyóirat szerkesztése
St. Nersess Theological Review (Catholic University of America Press): Editorial Team Member (2023–present)
Projekt- és programtanácsadó
‘Demarginalizing Medieval Africa: Images, Texts, and Identity in Early Solomonic Ethiopia (1270–1527)’, PI: Jacopo Gnisci, University College London (2021–2024)
‘International Summer School on Georgian Manuscripts’, Korneli Kekelidze National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi: Member of the Scientific Committee (2020–present)
Folyóirat kéziratok (szakértői*-) bírálója
Bodleian Library Record
(*) Acme. Annali della Facoltà di Studi Umanistici dell’Università degli Studi di Milano
(*) Antiquité Tardive
(*) HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
(*) Open Cultural Studies
(*) Phasis. Greek and Roman Studies
(*) Studia Ceranea
Bíráló ösztöndíj-pályázatok és felsőoktatási intézményekbe történő felvételek esetében
(*) FWF Österreichischer Wissenschaftsfonds
(*) British Academy: Visiting Fellowships & Postdoctoral Fellowships
(*) DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
University of Oxford, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies: Master of Studies & Master of Philosophy in Armenian Studies
Díjak, kitüntetések
Harmadik fél által finanszírozott, projektvezetőként megszerzett projektek
2020–2021 Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection/Trustees for Harvard University: $ 52,200
‘Fellowship in Byzantine Studies’. Sole member and project leader of ‘A Sociocultural History of Translations in Medieval Armenia.
2019 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation: € 1,300
‘Seminar and Book Grant’. Sole member and project leader of the seminar ‘Armenian History and Culture in the Middle Ages’. The grant was to finance travel to and lodging expenses in Istanbul of foreign scholars invited to give a talk to the seminar and publishing their lectures in an edited volume. The project halted in March 2020 due to the Covid pandemic.
2015 Bodleian Library of the University of Oxford and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation: £ 4,000
‘Digital Teaching Tools: Armenian Codicology and Palaeography’. Pilot grant with co-grantee Robin Meyer (University of Lausanne) to cover the costs of production of high-quality photographs of select Armenian manuscripts housed in the Bodleian Library.
2013 British Academy: £ 239,416
‘Postdoctoral Fellowship’ for the three academic years 2013–2016. Sole member and project leader of ‘The Corpus Chrysostomicum: New Criteria for a Classification of the Pseudo-Chrysostomica’ at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford.
2012 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation: € 20,000
‘Postdoctoral Fellowship’ for the academic year 2012–2013. Sole member and project leader of ‘Les versions arméniennes du Martyr des Actes Apocryphes de Philippe’ at the Faculté des Lettres, University of Geneva.
Egyéb díjak/támogatások és ösztöndíjak
2024–2025 Visiting Lecturer, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Armenian Studies (Fall Semester 2024)
2023 Shortlisted and finalist for the position of Group Leader and Tenure Track Professorship for Caucasus Studies (‘Gruppenleitung und Tenure Track-Professur für Kaukasusforschung’) at the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, November (interviewed on 15 January 2024)
2023 Shortlisted and finalist for the position of Professor in Languages and Cultures of the Christian Orient (‘Académique en Langues et cultures de l’Orient chrétien’) at the Université Catholique de Louvain, November (placed second of three candidates invited to the interview on 23 January 2024)
2021–2022 Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, Centre for Advanced Studies, ‘Research Fellowship’ within the project ‘Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages’ (PI: Profs Mischa Meier, Steffen Patzold, Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner) (€ 13,800)
2019–2021 University of Vienna, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, ‘Affiliated Scholar’ to the Wittgenstein-Preis Project ‘Moving Byzantium: Mobility, Microstructure, and Personal Agency’ (PI: Prof. Claudia Rapp)
2019 ‘Calouste Gulbenkian Teaching Fellowship in Armenian History’, jointly awarded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Boğaziçi University (€ 34,000)
2016–2019 Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Research, Division of Byzantine Research, Gastforscher / Visiting Researcher
2016–2017 University of Oxford, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Associate Faculty Member
2016–2017 University of Oxford, Pembroke College, Research Fellow
2013 ‘Junior Research Fellowship’, awarded by Pembroke College, University of Oxford, for three academic years 2013–2016
2011 ‘Congress Scholarship’, Awarded by the Association internationale des études byzantines to participate to the 2011 AIEB Congress in Sofia
2010 ‘Dover Fund’, awarded by The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, London
2010 ‘Fondation Hardt Graduate Research Fellowship’, awarded by the Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford (November)
2010 ‘Nubar Pasha Fund’, awarded by the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford (£ 4,000)
2009 ‘2009–2010 Oxford/Princeton Visiting Studentship’, awarded by the Oxford Centre for Late Antiquity, University of Oxford
2009 ‘CBRL Travel Grant’, awarded by the Council for British Research in the Levant for a research stay at the Kenyon Institute, Jerusalem, and St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai (Spring)
2008 ‘AHRC Postgraduate Award’, awarded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council for the academic years 2008–2009 to 2011–2012 at the University of Oxford (£ 20,000)
2008 ‘Collingwood Prize for Academic Excellence’, awarded by Pembroke College, University of Oxford
2008–2011 ‘Senior Studentship’, awarded by Pembroke College, University of Oxford, for the academic years 2008–2009 and 2010–2011
2006–2010 ‘Dean of Graduates Fund’, awarded by Pembroke College, University of Oxford, in the academic years from 2006–2007 to 2009–2010
2025 Christianity in Anatolia at the Dawn of Islam, documentary being prepared for the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea of 325
2019 New Day, First Channel: TV Interview on Georgian Manuscripts [in Georgian; link: here] (10 July)
2019 Radiotavisupleba: Radio Interview on Georgian Manuscripts [in Georgian; link: here] (9 July)
2017 Jamanak: Newspaper Coverage on Armenian Manuscripts [in Armenian; link: here] (9 February)
Megbízott előadások
2025 ‘La tradition arménienne de In parabolam de filio prodigo [CPG 4577] du pseudo-Chrysostome’, Textes patristiques grecs et versions orientales seminary, Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes, Paris (13 February)
2024 ‘Rediscovering the Palimpsested Vienna Agathangelos (Mekhitarists’ Congregation, MS 56)’, Österreichisch-armenische Studiengesellschaft, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (4 December)
2024 ‘The Armenian Translation of John Chrysostom’s Commentary on the Psalms’, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford (14 November)
2024 ‘Armenian Manuscript Culture and the Development of Armenian Palaeography from Late Antiquity to Early Printed Books’, Weston Library (Bodleian Libraries), University of Oxford (13 November)
2024 ‘Armenian Historiography: The Palimpsested Vienna Agathangelos’, Pembroke College, University of Oxford (11 November)
2024 ‘(Re-)Discovering Ancient Armenian Manuscripts and Texts through Scattered Palimpsests’, International Armenological Congress, Matenadaran, Yerevan (19–24 July)
2024 ‘Le traduzioni armene e siriache dei Padri greci: alcune questioni metodologiche’, Introduzione al mondo siriaco, Seminar Series, Pontificia Università Salesiana, Rome (15 July)
2024 ‘Between Empires: The Armenian Church in the Middle Ages’, Christentumsgeschichte II: Mittelalter, Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt Universität, Berlin (30 May)
2024 ‘Les anciennes traductions arméniennes de la Bible et la réception des variantes hexaplaires en arménien: le cas des Commentaires des Jean Chrysostome’, Éditer et commenter les paratextes bibliques: méthodes et enjeux, Collège de France, Paris (25 January)
2023 Keynote Lecture: ‘Armenian Patristic Translations vis-á-vis Greek Originals: Some Reflections on New Finds, Philology, and Biblical Scholarship’, Forum Armenien in Wissenschaft, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Mesrop Centre for Armenian Studies, University of Halle-Wittenberg (8 December)
2023 Book presentation of Bonfiglio, Emilio and Claudia Rapp, Armenia and Byzantium without Borders: Interactions, Mobility, Responses, ARTS 7 (Brill: Leiden/Boston, 2023), Österreichisch-armenische Studiengesellschaft, University of Vienna (6 December)
2023 ‘Armenian Palimpsests before the First Millennium: Material Evidence for Armenian Translations from Greek and Original Early Armenian Writings’, Public Lecture, Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies, Columbia University (30 October)
2023 ‘In Between Empires: Armenia and the Armenians from Xenophon’s Anabasis to Koriwn’s Life of Maštoc‘ (5th c. BCE–5th c. CE)’, Public Lecture, School of Liberal Arts, Department of Classical Studies, Tulane University (25 October)
2022 ‘Geografia, popolazione ed economia nell’impero proto-bizantino’, Seminario di civiltà bizantina, University of Florence (14 September)
2022 ‘Education and Translations in Late Antique Armenia: Agency and Movements of Scholars and Books between Armenia and Byzantium’, Byzantine Studies Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh (4 April)
2019 ‘The Christianization of Late Antique Armenia’, Koç University (22 October)
2019 ‘Vom Ararat zum Berge Zion. Armenier im Heiligen Land von der Antike bis zum Vorabend der Kreuzzüge’, Österreichisch-armenische Studiengesellschaft, University of Vienna (23 January)
2018 ‘Some Remarks for a Global Approach to Patristic Philology’, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg (21 September)
2018 ‘Cultural Mobility in Late Antique Armenia’, Late Antique and Byzantine Seminar, University of Oxford (21 February)
2017 ‘Armenian Translations of Patristic Texts’, Patristic Seminar, Uppsala University (15 March)
2017 ‘Armenian Manuscripts from the Invention of the Alphabet to the Modern Era: An Illustrated History’, Österreichisch-armenische Studiengesellschaft, University of Vienna (18 January)
2016 ‘Manuscript Books in the Armenian Tradition’, Korneli Kekelidze National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi (28 July)
2016 ‘Le diable, c’est dans les détails: le corpus Chrysostomien grec face aux traductions arméniennes’, Armenian Studies Seminar, University of Geneva (6 April)
2015 ‘From the Marzpanate (428) to the Fall of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (1375)’, The Armenian History Institute, London (12 March)
2014 ‘The Christianization of Armenia from the Legendary Apocryphal Foundations to the Invention of the Armenian Alphabet’, Technos College, Tokyo (19 June)
2013 ‘New Testament Apocrypha in Armenian Literature: The Case Study of the Acts of Philip’, Armenian Studies Seminar, University of Oxford (2 May)
2010 ‘Eznik and the Theological Debate in 5th Century Armenia’, Columbia University, Armenian Department (9 April)
2010 ‘John Chrysostom’s Homilies on His First Exile (CPG 4396–9): The Problem of Their Authenticity in the Light of the Ancient Armenian, Syriac, and Latin Translations’, Dumbarton Oaks (23 March)
Tudományos konferenciaszervezés, kiállításrendezés
Konferenciák és workshopok
2025 Graduate and early career international workshop Armenian & Byzantium without Borders V, University of Oxford: Co-Organizer and Member of the Scientific Committee (6–7 February)
2025 16th General Congress of the Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes, University Geneva and University of Lausanne: Member of the Scientific Committee (9–11 January)
2024 International conference From East to West: Christian Literacy in the First Millennium, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg: Co-Organizer (18–19 March)
2023 International colloquium Armenian Scholars in Byzantium and Byzantine Scholarship in Armenia, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.: Colloquiarch (3 November)
2023 Graduate and early career international workshop Armenian & Byzantium without Borders IV, University of Oxford: Member of the Scientific Committee (21–22 April)
2021 Graduate and early career international workshop Armenia & Byzantium without Borders III, University of Vienna: Co-Organizer (10–11 September; originally planned for May 2020 and postponed because of Covid Pandemic)
2019 Georgian Manuscript International Summer School and Conference, Korneli Kekelidze National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi: Member of the Scientific Committee (10–20 July)
2018 Graduate and early career international workshop Armenia & Byzantium without Borders I, University of Vienna: Co-Organizer (20–22 April) [Program]
2011 ‘Oriental and Slavonic Translations of Byzantine Texts’, 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia: Panel Co-Organizer (24 August)
2009 AIEA International Workshop on Armenian Literature, University of Oxford: Co-Organizer (September)