Institute/Department: Institute of English and American Studies
Level of education: Baccalaureus, Bachelor, BA
Type of training:
- full-time training
- part-time training
Qualification: Philologist in English and American Studies
Field of study: Humanities
Duration of programme: 6 semesters, 180 credits
Location of the programme: Hungary, Budapest, Danubianum/Building Z (H-1111 Budapest, Bertalan Lajos utca 2.)
Curriculum of the programme (2024-2025)
Available in the framework of the following scholarship programmes:
- Stipendium Hungaricum
This programme is not available in the Scholarship Programme for the Hungarian Diaspora.

The aim of the programme:

The "English BA" is one of the most popular three-year programmes of the Faculty of Humanities of Pázmány University as well as one of the four most attractive English BA programmes in Hungary. Its popularity is probably due to the consistently high-quality education provided by the dynamic and dedicated staff, as well as the friendly and informal atmosphere of the Institute of English and American Studies.

The Programme consists of the following broad fields of study:

Language skills: Language instruction is at the heart of our BA course – the first year of intensive language studies is followed by a language exam, then two more years of language practice, together with two courses on academic writing are offered before the final language proficiency exam. All this is meant to ensure that all our students possess a solid and reliable knowledge of the English language by the time they graduate.

Core studies: Our BA course offers an introduction to all major areas of English studies, a survey of English literature from the Middle Ages to the twenty-first century, American literature, the history and civilisation of the United Kingdom and the United States, the fundamentals of English grammar and pronunciation, the history of the English language and an introduction to language dialects and varieties.

Elective courses:

In their second and third years of studies, students can choose to focus on literary and cultural studies or take further courses in linguistics. Each of these two optional study 'tracks' offers a large variety of elective courses each term in all areas of English studies, e.g. thematic literary analyses, film adaptations, Irish literature, theatre and architecture in the Anglo-Saxon world, British and American history and culture, as well as various fields of theoretical and historical linguistics.


Two groups of courses are offered for students who wish to acquire more specialized skills as part of their degree: a module in American studies, politics, literature and movies in more depths; and a module in Irish studies and modern culture, which includes courses on Irish literature and culture, together with critical approaches to contemporary media in visual and popular culture.

Our Students about the Programme

"The familiar atmosphere of the university is also present at the English Department, especially at the small groups of the very enjoyable seminars, which help both the acquisition of knowledge and the development of our language skills. The instructors are well prepared and often very approachable. Moreover, I am sure that our department has the best departmental evenings, which offer a chance for both presenting more information and knowledge, and freely mingling with our professors and peers."
(Petra Fejes-Tóth, English Studies BA)

"At the Institute of English and American Studies both students and teachers know that learning should not be restricted to formal classes. Next to several new and different specialised courses offered in every semester, extracurricular activities and informal departmental occasions strengthen the bonds between students and teachers, such as institute evenings, guest lectures, the Christmas Party, excursions and the performances of our English theatre company. Students are given opportunities to improve their language skills both at home with native teachers and abroad with the help of different scholarships. At the beginning of my studies English was my minor, but I was eager to change it to my major." (Anita Margetin, English Studies MA graduate)

"If anyone asked me why I have chosen to take English Studies at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, I would say that my high school teachers told me to do so. But why have I stayed? Because of the friendly atmosphere, interesting courses and excellent teachers. Here you can boost your English skills, have an insight into the deep layers of the language, learn a lot about the culture and history of the English-speaking countries and read a lot of fine literature from English and American authors. I would recommend English Studies at PPCU for everyone who is interested about these topics. :-)" (Noémi Dolinka, English Studies BA, TEFL MA)

"Despite the fact that English Studies is hardly deemed the most "useful" degree out there, I definitely don't regret my choice to stay on for the master's programme after completing the BA. The familiar friendly atmosphere of Pázmány isn't the only appeal; our study plan is well-balanced as there are roughly the same amount of lectures and seminars. Another considerable advantage is that optional courses are included in our degree, so there is a chance to discover other fields of study. And of course there is a wealth of study abroad opportunities..." (Katalin Tekán, English Studies BA, English Studies MA)

"In most universities there isn't much emphasis on the pedagogical skills of professors, the only requirement is for them to have impressive academic achievements. During my years as a student at the English Department of PPCU I was lucky to experience the opposite. My teachers were not only excellent academics, but they were more than happy to share their considerable knowledge. Since the professors were approachable and helpful the relationship between teachers and students were good-natured and amicable. The English Department of PPCU gave me lot of awesome experiences (Christmas Party, Department Excursion, BCC Theatre Group) so I urge everyone to go there." (Dalma Szentpályi, English Studies BA)

Admission requirements:

- Academic requirements: secondary school leaving certificate/high school diploma.
- Language requirements: English language competency at level B2 or higher.
  Requirements and accepted foreign language tests: B2 →


Entrance exam:

All applicants will take part in an entrance exam prior to acceptance to the programme.
The oral interview measures general aptitude, foreign language skills, sufficient background knowledge and student's motivation.

Updated: 19-06-2024