Bálint Feyér: International Teaching


Dear All,
you are cordially invited to the online evening of the Pázmány Language Pedagogy Research Group

at 6 p.m.
on November 17 Wednesday with

Bálint Feyér talking about
International Teaching

Please, register at https://forms.gle/ToBLAsrUxr4JoEvP8  

Registered participants will receive an invitation link to their email address before the online event.
Enquiries: Andrea Reményi, remenyi.andrea (at) btk.ppke.hu

The interactive session aims to provide prospective teachers with a glimpse into the world of international education by sharing an educator’s experience of teaching abroad in four international schools in two countries of the Middle East. The presentation will introduce the audience to the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, comparing and contrasting it with the national education system in Hungary. In addition, the key areas that characterise the teaching practices of IB educators will be touched upon, for example, multilingualism, differentiation, criteria-based assessment, inquiry-based teaching and the role of IT in education. During a Q&A session, the audience will have a chance to inquire about the life of an international teacher, including living in the Middle East, cultural and professional experiences as well as career opportunities for those who entertain the idea of an international teaching experience.

Bálint Feyér graduated at ELTE University in English Language and Literature, and he obtained a PhD in Language Pedagogy. After finishing his studies, he started a career in international teaching and taught various subjects in IB schools in Bahrain and Qatar, including English, Theory of Knowledge and Business Management. He is now spending a sabbatical year in Hungary. 


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