Farewell message to László Munteán


    Our former colleague Dr László Munteán has taken up a new job at
Radboud University, Nijmegen (Netherlands), as of September 2012.
Laci has not only been a colleague, he is also an alumnus of the
PPCU English Department – an alumnus we are very proud of.
He soon showed his talent and was recruited first as a language
teacher, then as a teacher of American literature and visual
culture. His research encompasses 20th century literature, different
subfields of visual culture, memorials and memorialization,
interrelations of textuality and visuality, architecture and the
semiotics of the city. He received his PhD in 2011 at Eötvös Loránd
University (Topographies of Trauma: Constellations of the Corporeal
and the Architectural in Representations of 9/11). He has been one
of the most popular teachers at the department, very much liked by
students and colleagues alike – and with good reason.

We hope his work at Radboud University will be a great experience to him and further deepen the ties between the two institutions. We wish him well with his new job!

András Cser


2025. jan.
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Sophianum 108
2025. jan.
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