The Irish Embassy Bursary Programme


The Irish Embassy Bursary Programme was established by the Embassy of Ireland, the Irish Hungarian Business Circle (IHBC), and by the Forum of Scholars of Irish Studies in Budapest in November 2014. The Bursary Programme is based on the financial contribution of Irish companies and other organisations in Hungary, with the purpose of supporting Irish-related academic activities of a small number of Hungarian undergraduate, graduate and/or postgraduate students each year. The following fields of study are eligible for the Programme: Irish history, society, language, literature, culture, politics, music or visual arts. The Bursary Programme pays or contributes annually towards the costs associated with attending an Irish Summer School or conducting research in an Irish institute in any of the aforementioned fields.

The award is granted in accordance with this Statute and with any rules and laws governing grant and scholarship regulations in Hungary and in Ireland. The granting of the Bursary is subject to the sum of contributions and sponsorship for the Bursary Programme that is provided annually, as is the financial sum of the Bursary and number of Bursaries granted. The Embassy of Ireland in Hungary shall invite sponsors to contribute to the award annually.

The award is to be granted annually on the basis of academic criteria, specified in the Statute below. Members of the Forum for Irish Studies and the IHBC shall make the availability of the Bursary known each year in all Hungarian universities, colleges, institutions, and societies, where Irish related studies and/or research are conducted.

The procedure of the selection of the grantees is established in the Statute below and a panel, drawn from members of the Forum or such other persons as may be agreed within the Forum, shall be responsible for the selection.

Bursary Statute 2022

The Irish Embassy Bursary Programme Application Form 2022


2024. júl.
Training - Reading Communities, Shaping Identities – Lire ensemble - 2023-1-PT01
Sophianum 108
2024. júl.
Diplomaátadó ünnepség
Budapest, Szent István-bazilika
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Boldog Gizella Zarándoklat
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