Gerhard Langer professzor kurzusa a Sophianumban

Március 9-e és 13-a között a Bécsi Egyetem (Universität Wien, Institut für Judaistik) professzora, Gerhard LANGER tart angol nyelvű kurzust a PPKE és az ELTE diákjainak a Sophianum épületében

A kurzus részletes programja itt olvasható. Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!


Lecturer: Prof. Gerhard LANGER
(Institute of Jewish Studies, University of Vienna)

Goals and Objectives of the Course:

In modern societies learning/education has become one of the most important elements in life. Here we can learn from examples from Late Antique Judaism focusing on teaching and learning. How should we learn? What is the reason for learning? Why should we become educated people? Who is a good teacher? We will answer these and other questions reading the original sources in Hebrew/Aramaic (with English translations), will discuss and learn together.

Prerequisite: None

Detailed Description of Content of Classes and Schedule of the Course:

1st Class 3/9/2015 16:00-17.30 (Classroom: Sophianum , 116/A)
The teacher and the student in rabbinic texts. Introduction into the course. The ideal scholar and the ideal student. When should children begin with school? Who should study? How should one study? The relationship between teachers and pupils/students. The topics of study. Learning by heart, learning together, learning and asking. The relationship between scholars.

2nd Class 3/10/2015 8:30-10.00 (Classroom: Sophianum, Csapody Vera Room) Behavior, law, and history. A case study on Leviticus Rabbah 19 on Lev 15. The Midrash Leviticus Rabbah as "handbook" for students. Close reading of Leviticus Rabbah 19.

3rd Class 3/10/2015 16:00-17.30 (Classroom: Sophianum, 116/A)
Elisha ben Avuya: the man, who cut off the roots. Teaching and learning in the context of apostasy and heresy. Reading and discussing the traditions on Elisha ben Avuya in Talmud and Midrash. We will read the following texts: yHagiga 2,1,77a–c; Qohelet Rabbah 7.8.

4th Class 3/11/2015 16:00-17.30 (Classroom: Sophianum, 116/A)
Teaching, learning, and behavior.
Texts: Sifre Deuteronomy § 41; Leviticus Rabbah 9.3.
The yetzer ha-ra (evil inclination) in rabbinic texts regarding scholar and student:
Texts: Sifre Deuteronomy § 45; Avot de-Rabbi Natan A 16.6–7; 21-22; 23.6–7; bQiddushin 81a

5th Class 3/12/2015 8:30-10.00 (Classroom: Sophianum, 117/A)
Teaching according to Sifre Deuteronomy. A close reading of Sifre Deuteronomy §§ 48 and 49

6th Class 3/12/2015 16:00-17.30 (Classroom: Sophianum 116/A)
The first day in school: Rabbi Eliezer in Pirqe de Rabbi Eliezer 1-2 (close reading), and a tradition from the Middle Ages, in the context of the Christian-Jewish debate.

7th Class 3/13/2015 8.30:00-10.00 (Classroom: Sophianum, 216) EXAM

Assessment Measures:
Participants of the course should be able to follow the Hebrew/Aramaic texts (mostly) and to read and interpret the texts in English translations. They have to take part in discussion and be able to summarize the results in short statements at the Exam.
Other Course Information:
Texts will be prepared in the original language and in English translation.


Required Readings:

"A Warning to Disciples: Manners and Mutilation (Hagigah 3a-b)" in Rubenstein, Jeffrey L, Stories of the Babylonian Talmud. Baltimore 2010. pp. 91-115. The chapter will be available in PDF format to every participants.

Suggested Readings:

Goshen-Gottstein, Alon, The Sinner and the Amnesiac. The Rabbinic Invention of Elisha ben Abuya and Elazar ben Arach (Contraversions. Jews and other differences). Stanford, 2000.
Hirshman, Marc, The Stabilization of Rabbinic Culture, 100 C.E.–350 C.E. Texts on Education and Their Late Antique Context. New York – Oxford, 2012.
Langer, Gerhard, Menschen-Bildung. Rabbinisches zu Lernen und Lehren jenseits von Pisa (Stabwechsel 3). Wien – Köln –Weimar, 2012.
Marcus, Ivan G., The Jewish Life Cycle. Rites of Passage from Biblical to Modern Times. Seattle – London, 2004.
Marcus, Ivan G., Rituals of Childhood. Jewish Acculturation in Medieval Europe. New Haven – London, 1996.
Rosen-Zvi, Ishay, Demonic Desires. „Yetzer Hara" and the Problem of Evil in Late Antiquity. Philadelphia, 2011.
Schofer, Jonathan Wyn, The Making of a Sage. A Study in Rabbinic Ethics. Madison, 2005.


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