Call for Papers


Catholics & Cultures and Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, Hungary, will present a two-day conference on "Lived Catholicism from the Balkans to the Baltics," March 9-10, 2018.
Europe's history is permeated with the rich array of rituals and world views of Catholicism. On a local level, this history continues to inform the ways individual Catholics experience and understand the diverse practices and values that define Catholicism in various communities. This is no less true in the region of Europe stretching from the Balkans to the Baltics, where Catholicism both as lived practice and as institutionally-supported cultural heritage are becoming increasingly visible to the public. The conference, "Lived Catholicism from the Balkans to the Baltics," will respond to this reality by offering scholars and observers an opportunity to attend to and study the diversity of Catholic practices as well as the meaning of Catholicism in its various relationships with cultures.
"Lived Catholicism" is an approach to Catholicism and culture that seeks to describe practices and beliefs as they are understood by those who live them and in the context of the cultures they variously reflect, shape, define, challenge, and oppose.
Call for papers
The conference organizers invite proposals from scholars in a variety of fields, including philosophers, theologians, political scientists, historians, sociologists, anthropologists, folklorists, and others. Proposals that approach the study of lived Catholicism and lay Catholic practice from an interdisciplinary perspective are especially welcome.
Please submit panel proposals and individual paper proposals by December 20, 2017. Proposals for panels and presentations will be accepted in English and Hungarian. Conference presentations will be in English.
Please direct general questions to sends e-mail) or to the conference co-organizers: Marc Roscoe Loustau(link sends e-mail), College of the Holy Cross and Katya Dunajeva(link sends e-mail), Pázmány Péter Catholic University.


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