Fenno-Ugric Peoples and Languages in the 21st Century


11th International Congress for Fenno-Ugric Studies

August 9–14, 2010, PPCU Campus, Piliscsaba, Hungary

The congress will focus on the social, cultural and linguistic situation and perspectives of Uralic (Fenno-Ugric and Samoyedic) peoples. At the beginning of the 21st century, research on endangered minority languages and cultures is one of the most important scientific issues. At the same time, the congress is open to topics other than this; discussion of the traditional questions of Fenno-Ugric studies is, of course, welcome.

The first International Congress of Finno-Ugric Studies was organised at the instigation of Hungarian and Finnish academics in Budapest in 1960. Since then, it has been organised every five years at different venues (Helsinki 1965, Tallinn 1970, Budapest 1975, Turku 1980, Siktivkar 1985, Debrecen 1990, Jyväskylä 1995, Tartu 2000, Joškar-Ola 2005). The venue and the programme of the Congresses is decided on by the International Committee of Finno-Ugric Congresses (ICFUC).

The ICFUC announced at its meeting in Joshkar-Ola, Mari El, held in August 2005, that the host to the next International Congress will be Hungary. At the recommendation of the Hungarian National Committee the honour of hosting the Congress has been conferred on the Department of Fenno-Ugric Linguistics, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPCU).

Accessibility of Congress

website: http://fu11.btk.ppke.hu

email: fu11@btk.ppke.hu


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