Fenno-Ugric Peoples and Languages in the 21st Century


The 11th International Congress of Fenno-Ugric Studies (CIFU11) took place at the Piliscsaba campus of Pázmány Péter Cathlic University from August 9 to 14, 2010.

The confrerence topics included the social, cultural, linguistic state and perspective of Uralic (Fenno-Ugric and Samoyedic) peoples.

Vice-dean András Cser represented PPCU Faculty of Humanities at the opening ceremony that took place in the university's assembly hall on August 9.

450 researchers, experts, students and guests from 21 countries (including Canada and Japan) attended the event. The largest delegation came from Russia with 145 attendees.

During the three academic days of the conference, 20 symposia, and 26 section talks took place, dealing with ethnography, linguistics and history. In all, the number of lectures was approximately 370.

Besides the academic events, numerous cultural programmes were available for the guests. On day one, those interested in Hungarian folk dance could watch the performace of the Duna Art Ensembleand eventually join the dancers. Later, attendees had the opportunity to go to classical concerts and contemporary dance performances by talented Hungarian artists.

The event also included trips around Hungary (Pannonhalma, Zirc, the Danube Bend, Budapest, etc) for those visiting the country for the first time.

The closing ceremony took place on August 14 at the open-air museum of Szentendre where guest could try candle-molding, tanning and wet felting.

For more information, please visit the official conference website.


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