Hungarian Researcher Elected to Accademia Ambrosiana

The Accademia Ambrosiana Italianista held its annual assembly in Milan, in its Biblioteca Ambrosiana building, founded by the famous Federico Borromeo in 1602. The new members of the academy, including associate professor György Domokos, head of depart

The Accademia Ambrosiana Italianista held its annual assembly in Milan, in its Biblioteca Ambrosiana building, founded by the famous Federico Borromeo in 1602. The new members of the academy, including associate professor György Domokos, head of department at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, were awarded the document signed by Archbishop of Milan Dionigi Tettamanzi.

Reading the laudation, professor Giuseppe Frasso mentioned György Domokos' philosophical, research, educational, as well as translation activities. Frasso introduced Domokos to the audience as a person who has done very much to make Hungary aware of the value of Italian culture.

Ambrosiana is one of the most significant collections of European culture. The gallery (Pinacoteca) includes works by Leonardo, Rafaello, Caravaggio and many other artists. The library has a selection of important, unique manuscripts from ancient times up until today. The newest branch of the institute established by Federico Borromeo is Accademia Ambrosiana through which the institution wishes to be a hub of different cultures from all around the world.

The academy's departments study the Borromeo family, Saint Ambrose of Milan, the Greek, Latin, Italian, Slavic and Middle and Far Eastern culture, as recorded in the statutes issued in 2008. The next assembly of Accademia Ambrosiana Italianista is going to take place in May 2010, when the academicians are going to discuss Giuseppe Parini.

Source: Magyar Kurír


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