Radboud Univeristy Visits Pázmány


On September 14, we had the pleasure to receive a delegation of Radboud University Nijmegen led by the rector magnificus, professor Sebastian Kortmann.

After a morning plenary session, the members of the delegation visited the faculties of PPCU and discussed possibilities of cooperation. Each faculty was visited by one or two key persons of the same faculty of Radboud. Apart from the eight faculty members, we had two student visitors as well, so that they can also experience PPCU.

The Faculty of Humanities was visited by Dr. Carel Jansen, vice-dean for education at the Faculty of Arts of RU and Dr. Rob Verhofstad, professor of the Nijmegen School of Management. They had meetings with our dean, Dr. Máté Botos and the vice deans of our faculty and key persons of different departments. Together with the two visiting students they had a guided tour of our campus in the afternoon. All visitors concluded their day at the rectorate during a closing meeting. Both parties agreed that the visit was very fruitful and all are looking forward the new ways of cooperation between our universities. In the evening there was a dinner with all guests and hosts.


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