The Legacy of Cyril and Methodius

The Piliscsaba Campus of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University's Faculty of Humanities is going to host the tri-lingual international exhibition opening at 2 pm on 2 October 2009, titled "The Legacy of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius", supported by the

The Piliscsaba Campus of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University's Faculty of Humanities is going to host the tri-lingual international exhibition opening at 2 pm on 2 October 2009, titled "The Legacy of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius", supported by the Centro Studiom of Gorizia.

His Excellency The Right Reverend suffragan bishop János Székely is going to open the event.

The exhibition, opened two years ago in Gorizia, features the original panels written in Italian and Slovenian, and for the first time, they can be seen in Hungarian. The exhibition offers insight into a number of interesting facts, including the lives and apostolic work of Europe's two patron saints, the Slavic church, the formation of the Cyrillic alphabet, all enframed by a historical context.

The aim of the exhibition is to introduce a new system of ideas to Europe; how "the fruits of two streams of Christian tradition, that bring forms of culture which differ yet complete each other" show in the continent's geographical unity. (Quote by Pope John Paul II.)


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