Local Internship program


American Embassy Budapest

in the CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER in the Summer 2017

- Duration:
6 weeks (with possible extension), variable hours

- Major duties and/or projects, the scope of work and related duties:
Assisting with the Arrival of Diplomats:
• Residence permit application procedure assistance (filing, copying, taking photos, sorting forms)
• Collecting different HR, Finance related forms prior to arrival
• Setting up Check-In appointments for new-comers
• BKK QR code requests
Setting up MKB bank account opening appointments
Assisting with ordering internet/phone subscriptions
Assisting with Third Party Liability Vehicle insurance policy with Allianz
Collecting/submitting/assisting with VAT refund packages/Translations/Delivery etc.
Preparing Army base cards
Assisting with Visa applications: traveler data collection, supporting letters, Diplomatic Notes
Updating car insurance/technical inspection records and sending reminders to Diplomats
Assisting with Residence card and passport expiration tracking
Collecting/scanning/filing Gym Waiver forms

Assisting with the Departure of Diplomats:
• Assisting with ordering/canceling internet/phone subscriptions, MKB bank account termination, Allianz TPL Insurance Termination
• Collecting Check-Out sheets and registering forwarding addresses

How will this internship benefit the section and the intern:
The internship program is a great opportunity for the interns to work in a professional environment together with Hungarian and American colleagues. The intern will have an opportunity to master his/her communication skills, to learn how the embassy offices operate, start to understand the aspect of diplomatic and international relations and collect information to the mission community. The CSC Office will benefit from the interns' fresh academic knowledge, their creativity, as well as computer skills.

Certification: The CSC Office has the adequate workspace and equipment for the interns to perform the duties during the internship.

TO APPLY: Please submit application form (can be obtained from the Educational Institution), CV and Statement of Interest and certification of active student status to Human Resources Office, American Embassy, Szabadság tér 12. 1054, Budapest or to budapestrecruitment@state.gov. Closing date: March 19, 2017.

Application for foreign national student intern program

Statement of Interest









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