The American Embassy in Budapest, Hungary is seeking student applications for a Spring 2019 Business/Trade Intern.


Statement of Interest


Financial Management Office (BFC)

Human Resources Office (HRO)

Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC)

Public Affairs Office (PAO)

Political and Economic Section (Pol)

Protocol Office (PROT)


Who are We?
The U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service combines both diplomacy and business with one goal: helping to strengthen the trade and investment relationship between our two countries. As the trade branch of the U.S. Embassy, you'll work with our team to:

• Conduct market intelligence to gain current information of the latest trends
• Help us engage with trade policy-makers, institutions, academics & other partners
• Counsel U.S. and Hungarian firms on the best way to take advantage of the opportunities
• Provide business matchmaking programs
• Prepare market research reports, company profiles, and due diligence reports
• Promote and recruit Hungarian business delegations to major trade shows in the U.S.
• Assist Hungarian companies that are thinking about investing in the United States

For more information on, check us out at

What does this mean for You?
While a part of our Embassy family, you'll get exposed to everything we do but with an insider's perspective. You'll work closely with experienced business advisors to conduct market research and data analysis that will help companies make important business decisions and form long-lasting partnerships. While we also need your help to organize business and networking events, you'll get to attend them and meet some pretty interesting people. An important part of what we do is tracking our work to show the positive impact we have, so we'll ask you to work in our proprietary client tracking system, and make direct calls to potential Hungarian partners for American companies.

Where and When
In order to become well integrated into our team, we look for people who can be with us for 20 hours per week. We'll spend some time training you and want you to be effective at your job, so expect to stay with us for about three months (or longer if we all like each other). The internship takes place at our office in the Embassy on Szabadsag tér.

Sound good so far? Here's how you apply:
We need you to speak English and Hungarian; have a familiarity with market research techniques and databases; be skilled with Windows Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.); and possess good writing and communications skills. Submit your application form (obtained from your university) along with your CV, Statement of Interest, and certification of active student status to the Human Resources Office at the American Embassy, Szabadság tér 12. 1054, Budapest or to Closing date: December 14, 2018.
Please note this internship is unpaid.


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