UNHCR Gyakornoki program


Call for Interns
The United Nations has a part - time unpaid internship opening available from December 2017 in Budapest, for a period of 2 - 4 months (flexible working hours can be negotiated). A full - time internship is also an option .

This is ideal work experience if you have
- attention for detail and patience to assist colleagues with diverse backgrounds
- an interest in the Organization, motivation to gain basic administrative experience
- good English skills and flexibility to work in an international environment
- a desire to train yourself and become more professional and confident in an office environment
... and if you want to enhance your CV for job interviews after graduation.

The role will include:
- maintaining the Personnel Administration library, secure data by monitoring the library cupboards
- checking files in and out - handling and administering library cards
- handing files out from the library, placing them back upon return
- assisting numerous colleagues in consulting files
- handling incoming Personnel Administration paper documents for the Data Management Unit
- administrative tasks (filing, scanning) upon request

During your time with UNHCR, we will provide information about the functions of the Global Service Center, the s econd Headquarter
of the organization after Geneva. You will have access to colleagues in the Human Resources section and depending on interest, will be able to meet colleagues in Finance, Training and Supply Management. You also will get access to the UNHCR Learn & Connect database
so you can follow many interesting online trainings. You will work in a friendly and dynamic group and will be invited to participate in upcoming social hours organized by the Staff Committee. Upon successful finishing of the Internship, UNHCR will provide an attestation.

Apply now!
Please send your CV and letter of motivation to Mr. Matti matti@unhcr.org , describing why you are interested in this role. There is no  deadline as we will plan the interviews as soon as we receive your email.


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