Megjelent a Pázmány Papers első száma!


Idézet Dr. Birher Nándor Máté dékán úr előszavából:

"The  past  year  marked  the  30th  anniversary  of  the  foundation  of  the  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, and we are proud to celebrate this occasion with a renewed commitment  to  strengthening  our  presence  in  all  academic  fields represented  at  the  Faculty.  With  this  intention,  we  have  decided  to  launch  a  new  journal, Pázmány  Papers:  Journal  of  Languages  and  Literatures, dedicated to the fields of  literary  studies  and  linguistics,  to  be  published  in  English,  to  complement  the  Faculty’s  already  established  selection  of  publications  with  a  more  internationally  visible and accessible scholarly forum. With the help of this journal, we wish to create a platform for scholars from our own university and collaborating institutions both in Hungary and abroad, a platform where they can share their insights, questions and new discoveries, contributing to the ever-evolving landscape of the humanities.

This  present  inaugural  issue  of  Pázmány  Papers,  with  a  thematic  section  aptly  dedicated to the topic of “Hospitality”, already testifies to our intention to promote cross-cultural dialogue and the welcoming spirit of cooperation. Through rigorous peer review and a commitment to inclusivity, we endeavour to publish articles that not only contribute to existing knowledge but also ignite new debates and discussions within the field. In this way the journal can strive to uphold the highest standards of scholarly integrity, while also embracing the diversity of thought and innovation that is essential for the continued growth of these disciplines. We are confident that this journal will be a valuable resource for scholars, educators, and students alike, providing  a  platform  for  the  dissemination  of  ground-breaking  research  and  the  enrichment of our collective understanding of the humanities. [...]"

A lapszám négy szekcióban (Thematic Section, Essays by the members of the Hieronymus Translation Studies Research Group, General Section, Reviews) összesen huszonegy tanulmányt és három recenziót közöl.

Az idei évtől a pázmányos folyóiratokban megjelent cikkeket megjelenés után feltöltjük az MTMT-be is, ún. kiadói regisztráció során.

A teljes lapszám ide kattintva, míg a kari OJS felület ide kattintva érhető el.



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