HUSSE 2015 Conference report

HUSSE Conference in Debrecen

The Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE) held its biennial conference and general assembly in Debrecen on 29–31 January, 2015. More than 200 academics and PhD students came from home and abroad, representing English Departments of all Hungarian universities and many prestigious foreign institutions. Ten members of the Institute of English and American Studies at Pázmány Péter Catholic University attended the conference, and participated at a variety of events, including seminar panels, roundtables, book presentations and plenary lectures.

Individual conference presentations:

ZSOLT ALMÁSI: Shakespeare Studies and ePublications

JÁNOS BARCSÁK: Derrida and Formal Logic

ANDRÁS CSER: The Terminology of Aelfric’s Grammar

LÁSZLÓ KRISTÓ: “Bread-Shortening” and the Great Vowel Shift

ILDIKÓ LIMPÁR: Smell of Roses and Blood: The Vampire Empire of The Hunger Games Trilogy

KÁROLY PINTÉR: Utopias as Civil Religious Communities

ANIKÓ SOHÁR: The Academic Life in SF


The New Hungarian History of English Literature – HUHI
TAMÁS KARÁTH (speaker): Módszertani kérdésfelvetések és válaszok a középkor fejezetben

Cultural Memory in Action (and in Higher Education): Versions of Shakespearean Plays
KINGA FÖLDVÁRY and GABRIELLA REUSS (convenors and speakers)

The Medieval Reader: Modern Readers in Dialogue
TAMÁS KARÁTH (convenor and speaker): When the Translator Promises “Word for Word”…

Book presentation:

ILDIKÓ LIMPÁR: Irish Theatre in Transition: From the late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century edited by Donald E. Morse

Another highlight of the conference was the presentation of the Országh Awards, founded in 1997 in honour of Professor László Országh and granted every two years to two scholars and/or teachers renowned in a field which was also among Professor Országh’s special interests. This year it was our special pleasure to see one of the awards granted to Professor Tibor Fabiny, founder and first head of the English Department at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (currently head of the Department of Literary and Cultural Studies in English at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary). Congratulations, Professor Fabiny!

Conference website >>


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