Medieval Performance Workshop


MA Medieval Theatre Workshop

3 April (Thursday) 8.30-10.00 and 10.15-11.30

Amb 206

 Karáth Tamás and his MA students will host visiting professors Christiania Whitehead and Denis Renevey for an MA theatre workshop entitled:

“Anchoritic, Eremitic and Lyric Performance in Medieval England”


By whom?


  • 3 April (Thursday) 8.30-11.30 (with a longer pause)


Is it possible to attend only one half of the workshop?
  • Yes, it is. Except for regular members of the MA class, you may turn up for either of the 8.30-10.00 or the 10.15-11.30 slots. But best is both.


  • Amb 206


What about?
  • We will read and discuss extracts from literary works representing some unusual or unique aspects of medieval English spirituality (Ancrene Wisse, Richard Rolle, the Monk of Farne, Margery Kempe and anonymous religious lyrics) to look at the ways in which these texts offer their readers exemplary devotional voices to inhabit.


For whom?
  • Both for BA and MA students.


What can I learn?
  • You can gain authentic experience from two visiting professors teaching at our Erasmus partner institutions. The workshop provides useful experience for those who envision to study abroad as Erasmus students.
  • BA students attending the lecture on medieval English drama will find it useful to discuss the performative aspects of religion that was not bound to the stage.
  • MA students will profit from the various approaches and methodologies to medieval literary texts for their research.


Prior preparation?
  • Texts will be distributed in the class. No prior preparation is required. In case you would like to pre-read the texts for a better understanding, feel free to contact me via e-mail:


For further information:

 We hope to see you many.


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