Bevezetés Korea művészetébe - “Introduction to Korean Art”

Angol nyelvű kurzus a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Művészettörténet Tanszékén

Időpont: Csütörtök 10:15-12:00 Első előadás: február 11.
Helyszín: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Budapest, Tárogató út 037-es tanterem

Dr. MECSI Beatrix, művészettörténész, (PhD University of London), egyetemi docens, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE) Budapest
Dr. Ariane PERRIN, művészettörténész, (PhD University of London), Centre for Korean Studies of UMR 8173 "Kína, Korea, Japán" CNRS-EHESS, Párizs

A kurzus a Korea Foundation Global E-School Project on Korean Studies in Eurasia keretében valósul meg.

Spring 2016 Session (from Thursday 11 February until 2 June 2016)
Thursday 10h15-12h00

Beatrix MECSI, Art historian, (PhD University of London), Associate professor, Institute of East Asian Studies, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Budapest
Ariane PERRIN, Art historian, (PhD University of London), Centre for Korean Studies of UMR 8173 "China, Korea, Japan" CNRS-EHESS, Paris

Aims of the course
The course will familiarize students with the main issues in Korean art by surveying the key episodes in the development of material and visual culture on the Korean peninsula, through a selection of thematic topics ranging from the Three Kingdoms period to the first half of the twentieth century.

This course offered within the framework of the Korea Foundation Global E-School Project on Korean Studies in Eurasia. The course combines online (real-time) sessions, offered via Blue Jeans (enabling up to nine universities to join the discussion), and offline seminars.

Learning outcomes
Successful completion of the course will enable students to acquire a good understanding of Korean art, its specific features and important relics and monuments from the Three Kingdoms period until the first half of the twentieth century.

Requirements and assessment
Class attendance: 20%
Exam part 1(Beatrix MECSI: lectures 1 to 6): 40% (24 March 2016)
Exam part 2 (Ariane PERRIN: lectures 7 to 12): 40% (2 June 2016)


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