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Short bio in English

Balogné Bérces Katalin (BBK) egyetemi docens 1998-ban végzett az ELTE Angol nyelv és irodalom szakán, majd az ELTE Angol Nyelvészet Doktori Programján folytatta tanulmányait. "Strict CV Phonology and the English Cross-Word Puzzle" c. PhD értekezését 2006-ban summa cum laude minősítéssel védte meg. (Az értekezés átdolgozott monográfiaként 2008-ban jelent meg a VDM Verlag kiadónál.) Kutatói ösztöndíjas volt a londoni SOAS Nyelvészet Tanszékén (2001, 2003) és Tromsø-ben a CASTL-ön (2011).

Kutatási területei közé tartozik a fonológiaelmélet, az angol nyelv fonológiája és dialektológiája, a nyelvi érintkezés, valamint az angol nyelv nyelvtanulói ejtésváltozatai. Számos szervezet (ESSE, HUSSE, SKASE stb.) mellett tagja a Government Phonology Round Table-nek. Több angol-magyar szótár kiejtésszerkesztője.

2006-ban Szentgyörgyi Szilárddal közösen pályázatot nyert The Pronunciation of English (Az angol nyelv kiejtése) címmel a HEFOP Bölcsész Konzorcium új alapképzési (BA) tananyagfejlesztési projektje keretén belül tankönyv ( és digitális tananyag elkészítésére. 2008-ban az Ad Librum Kiadó jelentette meg Beginner's English Dialectology c. tankönyvét, mely 2016-ban letölthetővé vált a MEK-ből ( A PPKE BTK jegyzetíró pályázatának keretében 2016-ban egyetemi jegyzetet írt The Structure of English (Az angol nyelv szerkezete) címmel (digitális kiadása a MERSZ-en: 2018, Budapest: Akadémiai).

Korábban az ELTÉ-n és a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetemen, jelenleg a PPKE mellett a ružomberoki (Szlovákia) Katolikus Egyetemen is oktat angol nyelvészetet, fonológiát, szintaxist és dialektológiát; vendégelőadó volt a University of Edinburgh-n és immár rendszeres vendégoktató a kolozsvári Babeş-Bolyai Egyetemen. A PPKE Angol-Amerikai Intézetében 1999 óta dolgozik, 2002 óta főállású oktatóként.

A PPKE BTK Nyelvtudományi Doktori Iskola Tanácsának törzstagja.

In English

Katalin Balogné Bérces is Associate Professor at PPCU, Budapest, and the Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia. She took her MA in English Language and Literature from the Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in 1998, and then she started research in the English Linguistics PhD Programme of ELTE. She defended her PhD thesis, entitled Strict CV Phonology and the English Cross-Word Puzzle, with the highest qualifications (summa cum laude) in 2006. (The revised version of the thesis was published as a monograph in 2008 by VDM Verlag.) She has received research grants to the Department of Linguistics, SOAS, London (2001, 2003), and CASTL, Tromsø (2011).

Her fields of research include phonological theory, the phonology and dialectology of English, language contact, and foreign-accented Englishes. Besides a number of organisations (ESSE, HUSSE, SKASE, etc.) she is a member of the Government Phonology Round Table. She is the pronunciation editor of several English-Hungarian dictionaries.

In 2006, she co-authored (with Szilárd Szentgyörgyi) The Pronunciation of English (Az angol nyelv kiejtése), a textbook ( and digital material under the HEFOP (Human Resources Operative Programme) Humanities Consortium project for the development of BA-level teaching materials. In 2008 her textbook entitled Beginner's English Dialectology was published by Ad Librum, downloadable from the Hungarian Electronic Library since 2016 ( In 2016 she compiled a textbook entitled The Structure of English (Az angol nyelv szerkezete) (Budapest: PPCU; digitised edition on MERSZ: 2018, Budapest: Akadémiai).

She has taught various courses on English linguistics, phonology, syntax and dialectology at PPKE/PPCU as well as (formerly) ELTE and Károli Gáspár University, and (currently) the Catholic University of Ružomberok (Slovakia); she has guest-lectured at the University of Edinburgh and is now a regular invited lecturer at Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She has been working at the Institute of English and American Studies, PPCU, since 1999; as a full-time lecturer since 2002.

She is a core member of the Council of the Doctoral School of Linguistics, PPCU.

Oral papers and posters at conferences and meetings:

accepted for presentation                                                 (last touched 18/12/2024)

  • "Phonetic variation and functional load in the laryngeal subsystems of English”. The 17th Biennial HUSSE Conference, University of Szeged, 30 Jan – 1 Febr 2025.


  • "Contact phonologies disclose parameters in both assimilation and lenition: Evidence from non-standard and non-native Englishes". Guest lecture at the Dept. of English Philology, Universidad de Murcia, Spain, 24 Jan 2024.
  • "Phonological variation and generative linguistics". Plenary talk, The 21st STaPs (Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende – ‘Linguistics Conference for Ph.D. students’), PPCU Budapest and online, 28 Febr – 1 March 2024. Slides.
  • "Laryngeal phonological links between Scotland and the North of England". 10th Northern Englishes Workshop (NEW10), University of Chester, 27–28 June 2024.
  • (2nd author, with Erika Sajtós) “Dialectal variation in obstruent voice and the Voicing Effect in English: An acoustic study on New Zealand English”. 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL), Poznań, 8–14 September 2024.
  • “Basque is (still) an aspiration language”. 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL), Poznań, 8–14 September 2024.
  • (2nd author, with Erika Sajtós) "Placing New Zealand English on the Voicing Effect scale". 10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), University of Alicante, Spain, 26–28 September 2024.


  • "Siblings can be sooo different – the Slovak language and its sister, English". Online invited lecture, Discover Slovakia lecture series, Univ. of Ružomberok, 9 May 2023.
  • (3rd author, with Ágnes Piukovics and Noémi Gyurka) "[ˈdetermaɪn], meanin[ks], [t]ank you: A comprehensive classification of pronunciation errors in ELT". 33rd Annual International IATEFL-Hungary Conference, Siófok, Hungary, 6–8 October 2023.
  • "Dialectal variation in the laryngeal phonology of English". Talk delivered in front of the "Theoretical Phonology and the Phonology of English" working group convened by Patrick Honeybone (U. of Edinburgh) and Martin Krämer (U. of Tromsø), online, 9 November 2023.
  • (2nd author, with Erika Sajtós) "The sociophonetic investigation of the effects of opposing forces during the development of New Zealand English". Sixth Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology (ESHP6), University of Edinburgh, 4–5 December 2023.
  • (3rd author, with Ágnes Piukovics and Noémi Gyurka) "Towards a comprehensive typology of pronunciation errors". Accents 2023, University of Łódź, Poland, 30 November–2 December 2023.


  • "Languages in transition zones: Asymmetrical laryngeal systems in North-of-England varieties of English". Online talk, 15th Biennial HUSSE Conference, Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Budapest, 27–29 Jan 2022.
  • "Mixed parameter settings derive asymmetrical RVA systems". The 29th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 25–27 May 2022. Online.
  • "The North of England as a linguistic transition zone: Evidence from asymmetrical laryngeal systems in northern accents of English". The 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), University of Ljubljana, 15–17 Sept 2022. Offline.
  • "The queer life of voiced and voiceless consonants in Northern British Englishes". Talk delivered as part of the event 'Re-Composition' of 'The Week of Science and Technology', Univ. of Ružomberok, 7 Nov 2022.
  • (with Shanti Ulfsbjorninn) "Az angol /n/ és /h/ 1000 éve: fonológiai ábrázolások és látens mássalhangzók a diakrón változásban". Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 5 workshop, PPCU, Budapest. 16–17 Nov 2022.



  • (with Shanti Ulfsbjorninn) "Bipositionality and place licensing in Getxo Basque palatalization". Invited talk, Encuentro UD 2020 de Lingüística Vasca / Euskal Hizkuntzalaritza 2020 UDko Jardunaldia / Deusto 2020 Workshop on Basque Linguistics, Univ. of Bilbao, Spain, 25 Sept 2020.





  • "Skálák és kategóriák a mássalhangzós fonotaktikában". Guest lecture at ALFFA Research Group, RIL-HAS, Budapest, 28 Apr 2016.
  • (with Ágnes Piukovics) "The acquisition of non-rhoticity by Hungarian learners of English". 10th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English (Accents 2016), Łódź, 1-3 December 2016.










  • "Az angol nyelv kiejtése". Book presentation with Szilárd Szentgyörgyi. Az új bölcsész alapszakok tananyagainak bemutató konferenciája, HEFOP Bölcsész Konzorcium, Budapest, 27-28 Sept 2006.


  • "Prosodic structure preservation in Government Phonology". Poster, The Thirteenth Manchester Phonology Meeting, 26-28 May 2005.
  • "Weak and semi-weak phonological positions". The First International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, Edinburgh, 23-26 June 2005.


  • "Contributions to the Strict CV phonology analysis of connected speech phenomena". 12th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 20-22 May 2004.


  • "Schwa in English". Poster, The Eleventh Manchester Phonology Meeting, 22-24 May 2003.
  • "A (magánhangzóval kezdõdõ) szavak fonológiájáról folyamatos beszédben". Nyelvészdoktoranduszok 7. Országos Konferenciája, Szeged, 7-8 Nov 2003.


  • "English stop allophones and the crossword puzzle". Poster, The Tenth Manchester Phonology Meeting, 23-25 May 2002.
  • "The beginning of the word revisited". 9th International Phonology Meeting: Structure and Melody. Vienna, 1-3 Nov 2002.


  • "The 'word' as a phonological entity". Section B (Humanities), Third International Conference of PhD Students, Miskolci Egyetem, 13-19 Aug 2001.
  • "'Ambisyllabicity' across word boundaries: A Strict CV Phonology approach". DOXIMP 6. Graduate Students' Sixth Linguistics Symposium, Budapest, 28 Apr 2001.


  • "Contour segments and length in CV phonology". DOXIMP 4. Graduate Students' Fourth Linguistics Symposium, Budapest, 24 June 1999.
  • "CV: the only syllable type of English". Section B (Humanities), Second International Conference of PhD Students, Miskolci Egyetem, 8-14 Aug 1999.
  • "Az angol magánhangzó-hosszúság a CV fonológiában". Nyelvészdoktoranduszok 3. Országos Konferenciája, Szeged, Nov 1999.


  • "An analysis of shortening in English within Lowenstamm’s CV framework". One of three Phonology papers from The Odd Yearbook 1997. BuPhoC Budapest Phonology Circle and Linguistics Discussion Group, Budapest, 25 Febr 1998.